CashFlow v1.0.4


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    Jan 13, 2012
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    80.31 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.0.1-R1


Version 1.0.4

  • bPermissions compatibility
  • Minor color code edits (will do more later)

Version 1.0.3

  • Minor fix for iConomy 5 and calculating tax by percentages.

Version 1.0.2

  • Support for iConomy 5.

Version 1.0.1 [beta]

Massive update and changes

  • Vault support.
    • No more dependency on Register. So, please make sure you have the Vault plugin.
  • Non-player bank accounts are supported and can receive taxes / get paid salaries.
  • Taxer has been overhauled to use the Bukkit Scheduler.
  • When applying a tax/salary to the default group, it should now pull from majority of accounts that apply.
    • Fixes most accounts not getting taxed when offline
  • New commands:
    • /tax fire <tax> - force specified tax to fire. Does not interrupt current running thread.
    • /salary fire <tax> - force specified salary to fire. Does not interrupt current running thread.
    • /tax <enable / disable > <tax> - enable or disable specified tax
    • /salary <enable / disable> <salary> - enable or disable specified salary
    • /cashflow status - get the status of taxes/salaries as well as how many operations are queued in the buffer.
  • SQLite database of known players allows for a faster method of getting all player accounts on a server
    • It is recommended that you use the command /cashflow addplayers <world> to import known players based off the player.dat files. This need only be done once, just so that the database knows of players with bank accounts prior to this release. This is important as there's no getAllAccounts() method for economies...
    • Also should increase speed since we're reading from a database rather from files.
    • Players are added as they join the server.
  • Tax/Salary payments are buffered in such a way as to prevent any/all lag.
    • For instance, if you're doing multiple salaries/taxes, and especially if you're applying it to the default group, you may end up with +500 operations to do. Without the buffer, this would cause a lag spike of 5-10 seconds or so. With the buffer, there is no visible chat/block lag.
  • General bug fixes

Thank you all that have continued to use this plugin. We appreciate your support. :D

I would like to make a note that this is a beta release. If you are reliant on the time persistence support from the previous stable release, DO NOT use this version as its missing.
GroupManager is not fully supported, if at all. It has been tested with PEX. Other group plugins, such as bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit have what seem to be the correct logic, however I have not been able to test them. They will more than likely work for regular groups, its the default group method that may or may not work.
While your old config files should be fine, it is recommended that you make a backup, just in case. Although I didn't change the logic greatly when it came to the actual config.yml, there is a chance that I changed something and forgot about it.

For any issues and suggestions, please comment about it so that we may be able to help you and improve things :D

GroupManager is NOT supported for this beta release

  • If the world is not named "world" and you try to create a tax or salary with a receiver/employer, it will fail and tell you "Player not found". To stop this from happening you must remember to use the command /cashflow setworld <world name>.
    • This may not be as much of an issue, but its still recommended to set the world anyways.
    • Rather, it is highly recommended that you import players via the /cashflow addplayers <worldname> command
  • Taxes/Salary times do not persist when server is stopped. Thus, the thread timers get reset when the plugin is enabled/disabled.
  • Player intervals have been temporarily removed...
  • Config reloading isn't implemented properly, so edits to the yaml file while the plugin is enabled will more than likely be lost. The in-game commands do not apply and will work fine.
  • Sometimes, when stopping the server, the Buffer might give a null pointer, but more than likely its because of plugin resources not being available. This is more than likely something to ignore.
  • However, depending on how the economy is set it, some inactive accounts may not be taxed/paid. This is a minor issue and one that cannot be remedied by the plugin. This is entirely dependent on how the economy plugin is setup.