bPermissions Seems to be conflicting with Bukkit #688

  • New
  • Defect
  • _ForgeUser21122633 created this issue Jul 23, 2015

    Describe to us the issue that you're having:
    I have recently created a server and i have installed just bpermissions on it for now but i will be using essentials and multi world. I have got a user and assigned them to a group called owner. owner has all permissions. When this user tries to do any command like /save-all it doesnt allow it, it comes up with the bukkit not having permissions not the bpermissions one. It seems that it gets through bpermissions but bukkit is stopping it! Please help!

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Which version of bPermissions are you using?: (Please don't say "latest"!!!)
    Which version of CraftBukkit?: (Please don't say "latest"!!!)
    Which OS?
    ubuntu 15.04
    Any other information we may need (plugins, configs, etc):

    Please fill out this form properly! Failing to do so may result in your ticket being marked invalid.

  • _ForgeUser21122633 added the tags New Defect Jul 23, 2015

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