No prefixes on bukkitforge server. #582

  • New
  • Defect
  • _ForgeUser11839642 created this issue Jul 10, 2013

    Describe to us the issue that you're having:
    I had to go to bpermissions because of issues with permissionsex needing mcpcplus to run, and that mod failing. So, I got my permissions file transfered over, redid the prefixes and they do not show up. I tried messing around with Essentials chat, but that didn't do anything. Then I decided to get a mod called bpermissions chat manager. This helped clean up the chat, but it still did not fix the issue.

    Which steps will reproduce this problem?:
    I don't know what would reproduce it because I do not know what is causing it.
    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    There is no log since it is an error reading it, and those errors do not show up in the console.

    Which version of bPermissions are you using?: (Please don't say "latest"!!!)
    Which version of CraftBukkit?: (Please don't say "latest"!!!)
    I'm not using CraftBukkit, I am using BukkitForge, I do not know the exact version, but it is the last one they made before 1.5.
    Which OS?
    The server is being tested on Windows 7  home premium, but the server it is going to be put on runs Ubuntu Linux.
    Any other information we may need (plugins, configs, etc):
    This server runs forge, so I need bukkitforge, also I am using bpermissions chat manager to handle the chat.

    Please fill out this form properly! Failing to do so may result in your ticket being marked invalid.

  • _ForgeUser11839642 added the tags New Defect Jul 10, 2013
  • _ForgeUser11839642 edited description Jul 11, 2013

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