BookShelf V3.0


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    Jul 29, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.6.2


Please download BookShelf V3.1! V3.0 is bugged.

This is a huge update, with features I should have had a long time ago. It also has big bug fixes.

  • No More CraftBukkit Dependencies! - This means if Bukkit updates, BookShelf will most likely continue working.
  • Added Towny Support - Towny Compatability brings one new command with three sub-commands. These are:
    • /bstowny - Allows you to set permissions of who can access bookshelves. This is as close to the actual towny permission setup as I could get it.
      • /bstowny town - Set bookshelf permissions for your town. (Mayors/Assistants/Ops can use this)
      • /bstowny resident - Set the default permissions for new player-owned plots in your town. (Mayors/Assistants/Ops can use this)
      • /bstowny plot - Set bookshelf permissions for player-owned plots (Mayors/Assistans/Ops have permission for every plot in the town, Residents have permission for their own plot.)

The commands are structured like this:
Level: [resident/ally/outsider] (resident is friend for plot/resident commands)
Type: [unlimited/toggle/shop/name/open_shelf/open_shop]
/bstowny town set [on/off]
/bstowny town set [level/type] [on/off]
/bstowny town set [level] [type] [on/off]
/bstowny town set defaults

As you can see, very similar to Towny commands. Please read more about towny here.

  • Added LWC Support - A hacky version of support was already "in" BookShelf before, but now, when enabled in the config, bookshelves will automagically be added to the protected list. If you disable this while protections are already set up, they will remain. Click here for info.
  • Added WorldEdit Support - This one is small, when you set 0, replace bookshelf stone, etc, BookShelf data no longer remains in space. If you replace a shelf with books in it, the books will be lost forever. Before, you could remove a shelf with WorldEdit and it would still save its data at its location, so if you were to replace it, the books would come back. No longer.
  • Added WorldGuard Support - You can set if players can open normal shelves and shop shelves by using the flags chest-access and allow-shop respectively.
  • Text Coloring! - Text is much less ugly now. Yay :D
  • Written Book and Book and Quill Lore is saved - Just a note, Bukkit allows more than one line of lore data, but I only save one line of lore. I hope this isn't inconvenient to anyone. If some of your lore is disappearing, let me know and I will add more lines. :)
  • Written Book and Book and Quill Damage Values are saved - Some people use damage values as indicators for which book is "special" or whatever. I hope this comes in handy :P
  • New Database Versioning System - You won't notice this at all. What it means is that I can easily update your SQLite/MySQL databases without anyone losing any data. It is actually used a lot to update some tables and such for this version. This also means I can add features much quicker because I don't have to think about how to work around breaking all your data. Handy!
  • Added Config Options to Allow Items ONLY in Shelves - See it on the config page. You can now choose which items are only allowed to be stored in shelves. You can stop your players from storing books/maps/paper/etc in chests and only allow it in shelves.
  • Added Config Option to Prevent Shelf Burning - Now if your house burns down, you can save your books! Yay!
  • Added "Empty Maps" to list of allowed items. They are categorized under Maps and have the same permissions/config as Maps.
  • Fixed Paper Not Being Able to be Stored in Shelves - Previously paper couldn't be put in shelves. It was a simple if-statement I forgot. All better :)
  • Fixed a Bug That Made the First Page of Book and Quills Unwritable - If you didn't open a Book and Quill before storing it in a shelf, it decided to go nuts and make the first page unwritable until you went to the second page, then back again. Fixed.
  • Found the Source of Many (if not all) "Database in Auto-Commit Mode," "ResultSet Closed," and Other Database Errors. - Wanna know what it was? I was running two threads at once using the same database connection. They tell you all over not to do this, but I did it anyway. Hrm. Well it won't happen again! :)
  • Added Database Buffer - Sometimes queries liked to overlap and try to fire at the same time, causing errors. They are now buffered.
  • Rewrote Page/Enchantment/Map Saving System - A lot of you have been telling me about pages swapping books. I wrote these systems when I was pretty crappy with Java, so I rewrote them to be much more reliable. Your databases will automatically update to fix it. Nothing should be lost, but because my testing capabilities are limited, please BACKUP YOUR DATABASE in case something does go wrong. (And if it does, tell me fast!) This "upgrading" stuff is new to BookShelf, so I'm not 100% sure it will work.
  • Added a Hidden Config Thing - I really do listen to all of your feature requests. ShayTheGoon requested an automatic shelf toggler for something, so I added it in. It is hidden though, so you will not see it in a new config file. There is a new section in the config page for these hidden config options (At the bottom), and I will be adding a lot more over time. :)
  • Increased Book Title Size Limit - Was 32, now 128 characters.

That's about it. Enjoy! Please let me know of any feature requests in the comments or support tickets, and for bugs, make a support ticket. Thanks!! If anything goes wrong or is confusing, lemme know. I'll help!


I have discovered that BookShelf MAY NOT WORK with databases running on MyISAM. Please upgrade to InnoDB, or accept the risks!