Merging of messages #10

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to sincerelynoodles
  • _ForgeUser7546711 created this issue Nov 29, 2013

    This is probably a pretty difficult enhancement, but I think it would be very useful.

    Currently on my server it happens that two admins open the same ticket at the same time, write a response and reply. The problem is that the last of them to reply overwrites the first ones message.

    I propose to make a system where this text is merged somehow. This would require the plugin to keep track of revisions and what revision each admin has checked out at the moment. You could do this by making a simple checksum, perhaps MD5 or something like that.


    * Player submits ticket 10:
    Hello, my house has been griefed! Also, how do I protect my house?

    * Moderator opens ticket 10.

    * Admin opens tickets 10.

    * Moderator replies:
    Hello, my house has been griefed! Also, how do I protect my house?

    You can protect you house like this: http://somelink/ -Staff

    * Admin replies:
    Hello, my house has been griefed! Also, how do I protect my house?

    I have performed a rollback of your house, it should be fine now! -Staff

    * The ticket should now look like this:
    Hello, my house has been griefed! Also, how do I protect my house?

    You can protect you house like this: http://somelink/ -Staff

    I have performed a rollback of your house, it should be fine now! -Staff

    I do realize this can prove to be difficult to implement, but I think it should be doable. What do you think?

  • _ForgeUser7546711 added the tags New Enhancment Nov 29, 2013
  • _ForgeUser7546711 edited description Nov 29, 2013
  • SincerelyNoodles posted a comment Nov 30, 2013

    Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible with this setup. An staff member has to send before the changes get saved. I will try to find a solution, but I can't guarantee one.

  • _ForgeUser7546711 posted a comment Nov 30, 2013

    I think it is possible, but it will require som work. You will have to keep track of which revision each staff member has checked out at the moment, like in a version control system.

    Perhaps you could even use JGit to do this.

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