One alias, different commands/group #22

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser6873949
  • _ForgeUser11902519 created this issue Feb 15, 2014

    I would LOVE it, if I could make one alias do different things based on the group, or permission status of the player.

    So, the admin group, can (for example) /tp and just tp to that person, and a default player group, when they do /tp, will instead get a message "you must use /tpa"

    Thank you for your consideration.
    If this is not possible, could you please reply anyways, I'll be checking back here each day.

    This will require vault....
    Most people have vault, and wouldn't mind the additional requirement. But perhaps you could make it optional. Where if they don't have vault and try to separate the command through groups, it won't run, as apposed to just throwing an exception. That way people without vault and don't need the group option, can use the plugin.
    This feature really would save my life...

  • _ForgeUser11902519 added the tags New Enhancment Feb 15, 2014
  • _ForgeUser11902519 edited description Feb 18, 2014

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