RandomTP V2.3


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  • Uploaded
    Mar 15, 2015
  • Size
    26.11 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1
  • 1.8.3
  • 1.7.4


This Version is for MC 1.7 and 1.8 Only. DO NOT USE WITH OLDER VERSIONS OF MC

If you are using MC 1.5 or 1.6, please use RandomTP V2.3-noID


NOTE: As usual, new version means new update to the config. I like giving you the ability to configure all the features I provide, so while this is annoying, I hope you understand how necessary it is.

* Fixed issue with anticheat not working
+ Added support for Towny
+ Added support for Factions
+ Added support for WorldGuard
+ Added support for WorldBorder
+ Added ability to add data to portal filling (ex. PORTAL:2 will make the 
portals face the other direction)
- Removed case sensitivity from portal filling. (Filler materials can now 
be uppercase, lowercase, or a combination of both)


NOTE: Please add preventPortalUpdate: true to your configuration file. You can read more about this option in the default config

* Fixed issue that caused block and biome restrictions not to work
* Changed the way portal information is stored to increase efficiency
+ Added a config section to choose if portal blocks should be able to be updated or not


* Fixed issue that caused teleportation when clicking any sign



Default config is mostly rewritten in this update. It is suggested that you delete your default config and completely reconfigure the plugin. You can also copy the default config from the default config page of this plugin.

Config updates:
+ Added sections to turn off cooldowns and cost for portals, signs, /rtp, 
  and /rtp other individually rather than a single option
* Renamed and reorganized some config options

Game updates:
+ Added the ability to teleport with portals
+ added commands:
  + /rtp portal
  + /rtp portal <name>
  + /rtp portal create <name> [material]
  + /rtp portal delete <name>
  + /rtp reload
+ added permissions:
  + randomtp.portal.make
  + randomtp.portal.destroy
  + randomtp.portal.use
  + randomtp.portal.info
  + randomtp.reload
+ added task to fill portals without lag
+ added ability to automatically fix and save invalid configuration values
* code rewrite:
  * reorganized several hundred lines of code
  - removed all unnecessary and redundant code
  - removed classes TeleportHandler, Cooldown, config
  + added classes BuildTask, Events, PortalMaker, PreTP, and TeleportType
  * fixed minor bugs and optimization issues


Default config is changed in this update. Please see the page regarding default configuration and update your config.yml file. (If you delete your config.yml, an up to date one will be generated for you)

+ Added a minimum distance option to the config. This option lets you 
  specify at least how far away a player should be teleported
+ Added the ability to be teleported to a random spot in a random world 
+ Added a message to be sent to the user when they teleport. 
- Removed unneeded code when reading the config


Default config is changed in this update. Please add "debug = false" to your current config.yml file

* Fixed issue where money was not taken from players on teleport
* Fixed infinite loop if player tried to teleport without enough money
+ Added option to debug.
+ Added ability to teleport other players via in game command, console, and
  command block 
+ Added permission randomtp.other which is required to teleport other

NOTE: Cooldowns, cost, and anticheat measures are not checked when a player is teleported using /rtp <player name>


+ Added the ability to teleport with signs
+ Added the permission node randomtp.sign.use
+ Added the permission node randomtp.sign.make


* Refixed error that would occur if player logged off while teleporting


* Fixed error that would occur if player logged off while teleporting
* Fixed "Plugin cannot be null" error
* Cleaned up some of the code


First version. No changes

Portals using sugar_cane_block as a filler will need water to prevent the sugarcane from breaking. This is due to a flaw in the craftbukkit API not having an event that catches this and is out of my control.

Note: portals using sugar_cane_block will still work without any issues even if the sugar cane all breaks.