Color issues #18

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  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser10475628
  • _ForgeUser41579 created this issue Dec 20, 2013

    I tried setting the format to nothing ("format: " but it makes the text gold, so I have to use &f for the format (setting it at the end of prefix still made it gold), however then every other plugin that looks at chat is seeing and recording the &f at the front of the chat.  Logblock chat table... every entry has that tacked on.  An anti-swear plugin I had... someone got banned for saying "again" after the "fag" filter was kicked off because the plugin saw "&fagain".  I think you should default the text to white, and then allow there to be no format at all.  I'm not sure what the period is before the color codes in the default config mean also.  When I removed just the color code from ".&6", it actually puts period at the beginning of everyone's line.  I can't win :p

  • _ForgeUser41579 added the tags New Defect Dec 20, 2013

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