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    Aug 25, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.6.2-R0.1


This version is marked as release. It has gone through some solid testing and should not contain any bad bugs.
This version CONTAINS changes to the underlying database methods and COULD cause data loss (If i made a mistake).

If updating, please delete your config.yml located in your Bankcraft folder!

- Fixed unlimited money bug via chat-interact signs (#104)
- Fixed wrong version while loading
- Changed commands to now ignore case
- Fixed unlimited money bug
v2.2 ALPHA
- Added loans/debts
- Added option to swap left-/rightclicks
- Changed BC-Signs now ignoring case in the second line
- Fixed transferxp not working
- Fixed ClassCastException in InterestTask

- Added commands to check other players balance (they went missing in the recode i guess. sry for that)
- Fixed out of Bounds Exception caused by top player tables
- Fixed the printing of top player tables
- Fixed admin help checking for wrong commands
- Fixed the new interaction interval not working
- Fixed balance signs with a player name in the third line not working as intended

v2.1 ALPHA
- Added rankstats (see /bank help)
- Added rankstatsxp (see /bank help)
- Added reload command for the config
- Fixed transfer commands (#89)
- Added option to turn of console message when interests are granted
- Added anti spam delay for database interactions (#91)
-Fixed online/offline interests (#88)
-Fixed /bankcraft interesttimer (#88)
- Adds online/offline interests (create a new config!!)
- Fixes some scrolling signs not accepting the /bank add command correctly
- adds a flatfile to flatfile import for old data (old Bankcraft)
- Fixed an issue with chatting causing a null pointer error
- updated config.yml to include comments
- updated ingame help to only show commands which users are allowed to use
- updated ingame help to show the correct commands even if changed in the config.yml
- Fixed mysql database putting values in wrong columns
- Fixed mysql database accepting varchar instead of double as balance values
- Polished code
- Added chatSign
    - allows easy interaction with bankcraft through one sign, without the need for commands
    - setup:

- Added databaseimport command for importing data from flatfile to mysql and visa versa
- Restructured config.yml

- Fixed exchange- signs and commands
- Added new config options and renamed account limit for money in config.yml

- Fixed the reinitialising of signs
- Added mysql support
    Added new config options for mysql
- Fixed balance sign (Thx for the comment, yeah the comment and not the ticket)
- Added a interestTimer to know how long its gonna take until the next round of interests
- Added a interestTimer command (/bc interesttime)
- Added a self updating interestTimer sign
- Added %interestTimeTotal and %interestTimeRemaining for messages

- Fixed several wrong formated config.yml messages who made the use of balancexp, broadcasting of interests and so on impossible
- Removed "blub" message at startup
- Fixed the removing of signs not working as intended
- Fixed /add command for scrolling signs
- Fixed commands not being able to transfer "all"
- Fixed experience stuff by using a personal workaround (FEEDBACK!!) (Fixes #79, #78.1, #78.2
- Changing commands for "debit" to "withdraw"
- Changing signs to say "withdraw" instead of debit"
- Added a MaxBankLimit to the config.yml so you can choose the max amount all players on the server can have in their bank
- Added missing message when removing a sign in survival mode

- Fixed a config error regarding the char § not being handled like it should (Generate a new config or remove the § inside your old one on all X.color lines)

- Fixed TABs in default config.yml Remove your old one to fix the startup error

- Added many missing messages
- Added interests for money/xp
- Added broadcasting of interests


- Recoded from scratch (beside some code from the old listener classes)

- Moved filestorage into a one file per user solution

- Removed mysql (temp)
- Removed exchangeSigns (temp)
- Removed Loans (temp)

- Removed reload commands (temp)

the loan group is not yet working