Anti Void Death 1.4


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  • Uploaded
    Aug 28, 2015
  • Size
    32.82 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8


In the update to 1.4 I have added more options in the config, an update checker that will notify you both in game and in the console when a new version of AntiVoidDeath is available and the option to turn the AntiVoidDeath colored messages in the console off.

Here are the config variables with en explanation of what each one of them controls:

Config option: Saved_From_Fall_Message Description: The message that will be sent to a player then they are teleported out of the void.

Config option: Use_Colour_In_Console Description: This allows Anti Void Death to write colored messages in the console which can be used for easy identification of what messages are being sent from AntiVoidDeath.

Config option: Use_Permissions_For_Save_From_Fall Description: When this option is set to true only players with the avd.alwayssavedfromfall permission will be teleported out of the void if they fall into it.

Config option: Not_Saved_From_Fall_Message.No_Permission Description: This is the message that will be sent to players without the permission required to be saved from the void when they fall into the void and Use_Permissions_For_Save_From_Fall is set to true.

Config option: Update.Update_Check_Enabled Description: Setting this option to true will allow AntiVoidDeath to check for updates on and notify you through the console when they are available. This notification message will be sent to the console once every 30 minutes when an update is available. This will NOT automatically download the updates for you.

Config option: Update.Announce_Update_Available_To_ Online_OPs: Description: Setting this option to true will allow AntiVoidDeath to send players who are OP a message notifying that than an update to AntiVoidDeath is available and the location that the update can be downloaded from. This message will be sent only when the player joins the server or when the server is reloaded.