API, Lack of info & command improvement #8

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8137287
  • _ForgeUser7109951 created this issue Jul 10, 2012

    Hello, quickie, wondering if this plugin could contain some kind of API so I don't need my plugin to write "ban" in the console.

    Secondly, this is an update to the docs, the plugin is IMHO lacking information, for example, how do you perm ban someone with a reason? If it's correct, you simply put in 0 for time, but in the docs that is nowhere to be found.

    Thirdly, instead of denying "/ban <player> [reason]" with "Time must be a number", make a fallback so it checks if it's a reason not time. This way the plugin works by using "/ban <player> [reason] / [time]" instead. This will ease the use of the plugin, and make it simpler to use.

    I haven't looked at the source or anything, so I won't be able to say where to do this and that, anyway, I am really satisfied with the plugin generally, I am just a bit picky. Good job! And I hope to see future updates.

  • _ForgeUser7109951 added the tags New Enhancment Jul 10, 2012
  • _ForgeUser8137287 posted a comment Jul 18, 2012

    I the recently released beta I've made the time optional. If no time is given the default will be used. You are correct that just typing 0 is a permant ban. I haven't made doc's for this since I found this to obvious, But if there;s demand I guess I could write a bit of documentation.

    I'm not sure how to make an API for an plugin. This would require some more research.

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