Add a developer API #16

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8137287
  • _ForgeUser6937807 created this issue Nov 21, 2012

    I'm trying to add integration for your plugin to my plugin Player-Tracker, but there are a few hurdles that is making it much harder for me.

    1) This is a closed-source plugin: If you make it open source, I'm almost certain I could get it without the other steps being needed.
    2) You have two classes with the exact same name, leading to collisions when I try to import them as external resources!
    3) You don't have dedicated API interaction: my job would be infinitely simpler if you added a method or two to your main plugin class such as "boolean isPlayerBanned( string name )" or "void banPlayer( string name)"


  • _ForgeUser6937807 added the tags New Enhancment Nov 21, 2012
  • _ForgeUser8137287 posted a comment Nov 21, 2012

    Closed source? That's new. The main code for this plugin is from another developer called kyku, he licensed it GPL so I am required to release the source.
    The source can be found here:

    However I must note that I only push stable-ish code there. All the hacking stuff I push to a private git tracker to not bother server owners when they try to recompile. Could give you access if you want it.

    Two classes? I didn't know that would cause a trouble, The second class you are hitting is probably the initial layout of the API I started about 2 months ago, before branching off in git one file made it into master and I just ignored it since the plugin works.
    They should be in different class paths though.. :S

    The interface for my proposed api can be found here:

    I'm more then happy to finish it when I know it will be used.

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