AdminInv V2.1


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  • Uploaded
    Jan 31, 2016
  • Size
    73.38 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8


AdminInv V2.0
- Plugin completely rewritten
- Better GUI-System
- 1 Item of GUI-System in to the Config enable/disable whit true or false
- Vote and Server Information Configuriebar
- These Plugins become need: [Vault]
  - New Commands:
    - /admin                        Permission: AdminInv.Admin
    - /ghast                        Permission: AdminInv.AdminItem
    - /afk and back                 Permission: --------------------
    - /ahelp                        Permission: AdminInv.Help
    - /phelp                        Permission: --------------------
    - /invsee <player>              Permission: AdminInv.Invsee
    - /kick <player> [reason]       Permission: AdminInv.Kick
    - /pinfo <player>               Permission: AdminInv.PlayerInfo
    - /ping                         Permission: --------------------
    - /warp <warpname>              Permission: --------------------
    - /warps                        Permission: --------------------
    - /setwarp <warpname>           Permission: AdminInv.Warp
    - /delwarp <warpname>           Permission: AdminInv.Warp
    - /spawn                        Permission: --------------------
    - /setspawn                     Permission: AdminInv.SetSpawn
    - /br <message>                 Permission: AdminInv.Broadcast
    - /vote                         Permission: --------------------
    - /tc <message>                 Permission: AdminInv.TeamChat
    - /sinfo                        Permission: --------------------
    - /msg <player> <message>       Permission: --------------------
    - /r <message>                  Permission: --------------------
    - /tp <player>                  Permission: --------------------

Download License:

  • You are not allowed the decompile this plugin
  • You are not allowed to change the Source-Code
  • You are not allowed using parts of my Source-Code
  • You are not authorized to sell this plugin
  • You are only allowed to use this plugin for your server!

When you have Bugs or problems. You make a Ticket