Mod/plugin for Minecraft by Mojang. Is owned by MCGods, with regards of other artists §1 This mod/plguin is allowed to be used on your computer, with as many copies as you want. §2 Only sites authorised by the owner - MCGods, are allowed to redistribute. §3 This mod is free to use §4 You may customize attached configuration files to your likings, but your not allowed to publish the file (apart from few lines for support) §5 You may NOT re-upload, re-publish, or give the mod to others, other then the official link to the thread §6 The source is NOT allowed to be copied or modified. §7 Anyone wanting to make a spotlight, please contact the owner or one of main developers to talk about it. §§ The license can be altered for specific people, this can be done by contacting the content owner §§ Anyone not following these terms, or not obtaining permission to modify them, is breaking the copyright law ( The license may be altered any time, for people who need it; permission can be obtained by contacting the owner Minecraft is owned by Mojang. Any other mods are owned by their respective owner.