
Commands & Permissions

wxw go [world]Go to spawn of specified world.wxw.admin.go
wxw listList all loaded and configured worlds.wxw.admin.list
wxw remove [world]Remove world from configurationwxw.admin.remove
wxw load [world]Load unloaded world.wxw.admin.load
wxw modify [args]Modify settings of specified world.wxw.admin.modify
Required args: -name <world>
Optional args:
-owner <player>,
wxw info [world]Get info about specified world or current
wxw setspawnSet spawn of current world to current location.wxw.admin.setspawn
wxw create [args]Create new world with specified args.wxw.admin.create
Required args: -name <world>
Optional args: -owner <player>, ... (same as modify)
wxw spawnGo to spawn of the current world.wxw.spawn
spawnGot to spawn of the current world.wxw.spawn
Note: This command is hard disabled in config by default.


Some commands have arguments: You can type "/wxw modify" for example to get a complete list of available subcommands.