Migrating from MyPortals

I think World Portals is a closer step to the intuitiveness, simplicity, usability and compatibility with Nether Portals, beyond MyPortals did

MyPortals are "Mine" Portals (i.e. has an owner and therefore has privacy)... but like Nether Portals, "World" portals are public, belongs to the "World" and transport you through the "World", hence the plugin name

As WorldPortals is the evolution of MyPortals they have some things in common, but also have differences specially in the configuration and data files

# MyPortals data sample
- whiteVillage
- '279.46255'
- '1'
- '0'
- W+2907+70+2824

# WorldPortals data sample
- 1
- whiteVillage
- 0+2907+70+2824

# MyPortals data explanation
- player-owner
- portal-name
- yaw-angle
- portal-facing
- privacy-level
- destination-location

# WorldPortals data explanation
- portal-facing
- portal-name
- destination-location

As you can see WorldPortals config is far more simple, it lacks "player-owner", "yaw-angle" and "privacy-level" in relation with his ancestry. so in depth...

  • "portal-location" are encoded in both plugins, but the world in MyPortals is a prefix when in WorldPortals is its index (getWorlds().indexOf(world)). this way it keeps short but simplier because there is no need to configure prefixes
  • "player-owner" is no more needed
  • "portal-name" is the same so you can copy on the fly
  • "yaw-angle" was used to position player when brought, but is no more needed because now is calculated with facing
  • "portal-facing" should be the same, or maybe needs to be swapped (0 <=> 2, 1 <=> 3), sorry not tested yet
  • As all World Portals are now public "privacy-level" is not needed anymore... BUT be careful with private portals, you don't want some player private portal became public (hidden treasure rooms, etc)
  • with "destination-location" plugin checks if that portal exists (and has a name)

you could get data from MyPortals and process with excel or other tool, then build your new WorldPortals data file, then here is a little procedure you could follow to do the switch

  • shutdown the server
  • BACKUP the server
  • disable MyPortals (both plugins can't live together cause have similarities that conflicts)
  • install WorldPortals
  • start and stop the server to generate default configs
  • adjust configuration in config.yml to your wish (values, translations, etc)
  • overwrite data.yml with portal data you had processed
  • start the server, test it and enjoy it


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