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Have you ever built a minecart rollercoaster with a return chest at the end and just wanted the return chest to return those minecarts to the chest at the beginning? Or have you ever wanted to setup multiple community centers but just can't get enough materials to keep all the chests full? How about a bank with multiple branches? Then this plugin is for you! WirelessChests allows you to name chests, then group those chests so when one of the chests in a group is updated, all the chests are updated with the same content. Using WirelessChests, you can also setup the interval at which the chests in a group update.

Commands: /wcaddchest: description: Creates a chest below the user and returns variables usage: /wcaddchest [name] [group] /wcsync: description: basic usage of sync usage: /wcsync [group] /wcsetmain: description: Sets a chest as Main Chest usage: /wcsetmain [name] [group] /wcrem: description: Remove Chest. (If the chest is a main chest, then it's removed from the list) usage: /wcrem [name] [group] /wcremgroup: description: Removes specified Group usage: /wcremgroup [group] /wcabout: description: Displays Version Information and Relative info. usage: /wcabout

permissions: wirelesschests.*: description: Allows access to all commands children: wirelesschests.add: description: If true, allows user to use /wcaddchest default: false wirelesschests.remove: description: If true, allows user to use /wcrem default: false wirelesschests.removegroup: description: If true, allows user to use /wcremgroup default: false wirelesschests.sync: description: If true, allows user to use /wcremgroup default: false wirelesschests.setmain: description: If true, allows user to use /wcremgroup default: false wirelesschests.about: description: If true, allows user to use /wcremgroup default: true

Features include: - Named chests (along with who owns them) - Grouped Chest Clusters Unbound by Region (you could have a chest in the mines and group it with a chest in the spawn!) - Custom intervals for chest updates (Update every 10 seconds or whenever contents are changed) - Multiworld Chest Groups (Eventually!)

Github (Source): https://www.github.com/resba/WirelessChests

Please consider donating!

IF YOU FIND A BUG: Report it :) It helps me in the long run.


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