
This a sample of the default Configuration, This is also all the customizable messages in the plugin.

#              WardrobeInv Version 3.0                   
# If you require any help leave a comment on the forums  

#                          Chat Messages                         

ChatPrefix: '&f[&7&lWardrobe&f] &6'
NoPerms: '&c&lYou don''t have permission'

#Leather Armor

LeatherHatName: '&e&lLeather Hat'
LeatherChestplateName: '&e&lLeather Tunic'
LeatherLeggingsName: '&e&lLeather Pants'
LeatherBootsName: '&e&lLeather Shoes'

#Gold Armor

GoldHatName: '&6&lGold Hat'
GoldChestplateName: '&6&lGold Tunic'
GoldLeggingsName: '&6&lGold Pants'
GoldBootsName: '&6&lGold Shoes'

#ChainMail Armor

ChainHatName: '&7&lChain Hat'
ChainChestplateName: '&7&lChain Tunic'
ChainLeggingsName: '&7&lChain Pants'
ChainBootsName: '&7&lChain Shoes'

#Iron Armor

IronHatName: '&f&lIron Hat'
IronChestplateName: '&f&lIron Tunic'
IronLeggingsName: '&f&lIron Pants'
IronBootsName: '&f&lIron Shoes'

#Diamond Armor

DiamondHatName: '&3&lDiamond Hat'
DiamondChestplateName: '&3&lDiamond Tunic'
DiamondLeggingsName: '&3&lDiamond Pants'
DiamondBootsName: '&3&lDiamond Shoes'

#Inventory Buttons

ClearArmorButton: '&c&lClear Armor'
SaveArmorButton: '&a&lSave Armor'
NoAccessButton: '&c&lNo Access'
SaveArmorMessage: '&a&lArmor Saved'
ClearArmorMessage: '&c&lArmor Cleared'

#Set Armor Messages

SetHatMessage: '&eSet Hat to '
SetChestplateMessage: '&eSet Tunic to '
SetLeggingsMessage: '&eSet Pants to '
SetBootsMessage: '&eSet Shoes to '

#                          Disable Worlds                        

DisabledWorldMessage: '&c&lDisabled in the world'

- world_the_end
- myworld

All of these messages work with color codes.