
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Wanted is a mini game plugin made to improve upon the regular free for all death matches which are usually held on Minecraft servers. The idea was inspired by multiple sources but I have not found anything like it on Bukkit before.

During the match, you will be given a target to kill. If you are able to successfully kill your target, you will earn a point. However, killing a player who is not your target will lose you a point. A player may have multiple people trying to hunt them, or none which leads to a very intense, but different fighting experience.

Currently the plugin is not finished, but I feel as if it is complete enough to release as a beta. Please note that this allows me to add, remove and change features as I please and there may be some bugs that I have not found. The game itself is complete apart from some balancing (which I need testers to help me with) and some smaller features to help with ease of use. This includes implementing signs for use in a lobby and other commands.

I wanted to make the plugin customisable to your server, so there is a config file where you are able to edit parts of the game. I will hopefully add to this in the future with more options which should help balancing. However, currently the options are global and can not be changed for a different arena. This may change in the future.

Please leave feedback. Either in the comments or a PM is great and really helps me know which way I want to steer this project.

How to install

  1. Drop .jar file into plugins folder
  2. Start up your server
  3. A config file will be generated. in ./plugins/Wanted - Edit this to your liking or leave it for default settings
  4. Restart (or reload) the server for changes to take effect.

Current Features

  • Complete mini game
  • Customisable settings
  • Early access so more to come!

How to use

I will eventually write a new page for usage but for now, there is in game help you can use: /wanted help which I have spent a considerable amount of time making as easy to use as possible. If you need any other help, or I missed something, don't hesitated to drop me a PM or comment and I will be happy to assist you in any way I can.

Other Notes

Thank you for checking out the plugin. Please leave any feedback you have with me as it will help me improve the plugin. Please note that this is still in beta and features may be subject to changes. I will do everything I can to keep each version compatible with older versions of arenas and configs but I cannot promise that it will always be possible.

I (TopTobster5) took over this project page from BDKing00 however, the plugin he had was not the same as the one I have made. He requested to stay as the former owner, but does not have any attachments to the current version of the plugin.


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