Treasure Chests

treasure Treasure Chests


This plugin allows you to spawn treasure chests randomly in a specific area with custom randomized items.

  • Easy to set up
  • Treasure Chests are configurable
  • Can put custom items (even ones with custom itemMeta) into Treasure Chests
  • Treasure Chests are toggeable
  • Treasure Chest GUI for viewing loot and settings
  • Easy to define and redefine Treasure regions
  • Unlimited Treasure regions
  • Rebooting server will not delete data
  • Maximum of 27 items per chest


  • /tc wand - Gives user wand for setting regions
  • /tc set <name> - Defines the region
  • /tc reset <name> - Used to redefine a region
  • /tc remove <name> - Removes the region for treasure
  • /tc time <name> <seconds> - Defines respawn rate for treasure in seconds
  • /tc enable <name> - Enables the region to drop treasure
  • /tc disable <name> - Disables the region to drop treasure
  • /tc list - lists all treasure regions
  • /tc addItem <itemname> <region> - Adds item from your hand to the region's treasure loot
  • /tc removeItem <itemname> <region> - Removes item name from the region's treasure loot
  • /tc setMinItem <itemname> <region> <number> - Sets the minimum amount of the item that the region's treasure loot will spawn
  • /tc setMaxItem <itemname> <region> <number> - Sets the maximum amount of the item that the region's treasure loot will spawn
  • /tc getTreasure <region> - Opens Treasure GUI of the region's treasure loot
  • /tc setMinTreasure <region> <number> - Sets the minimum number of items a region will spawn per treasure chest
  • /tc setMaxTreasure <region> <number> - Sets the maximum number of items a region will spawn per treasure chest
  • /tc onlyAir <region> <true/false> - Allow/deny treasure chests to only replace air blocks in a region
  • /tc reload - Reloads the plugin's configuration file
  • /tc version - Provides author and version of plugin


  • You cannot make minimum values greater than maximum values
  • The maximum number of an item is 64 and the minimum is 1
  • The minimum number of loot is 0 and maximum is 27.
  • When you do a command and nothing happens, either you don't have permission or didn't type the command right.
  • The default number of loot that spawn when you define a treasure region is 0
  • The default number of a item that will spawn in a treasure region's loot is 1
  • Item names will not change the actual name of the item. It is used for identification purposes in this plugin.
  • Item names cannot be identical in a region.
  • If there is no treasure in a region and/or the max and min loot is 0, the treasure chests will be spawned empty
  • You can add items and remove items while the treasure region is enabled (you can also change time and quantity).
  • Do not use negative numbers
  • If an internal error happens, please file a ticket or contact me through Bukkit

Warning: Manually configuring config.yml may break treasure regions and the plugin. Modify at your own risk



  • TreasureChests.wand - Allows players to use wand and define regions
  • TreasureChests.region - Allows players to delete, modify, and look at regions
  • Treasurechests.item - Allows players to add items and modify them

How to set up

  1. Drag and drop this plugin to the folder "plugins" on your server
  2. Ingame, do the command /tc wand. In your inventory, you will recieve an item called "Treasure Wand". Left-Click a block to set Position 1 and Right-Click a block to set Position 2.
  3. After you define your area with your "Treasure Wand", do the command /tc set <name you want>. Now you have a region called <name you want> (If you don't like the area of your region, you can use the wand to define another area and use the command /tc reset <name you want>)
  4. Now define the time in which you want treasure chests to spawn. Do the command /tc time <region> <seconds>. Now your region <region> will spawn treasure chests every <seconds>.
  5. Now it's time to add items. Take the item you want to add and put it in your hand. Do the command /tc addItem <name you want> <region>. Now you have added the item in your hand with the name <name you want> for <region>. Now repeat this process for every item you want with different <name you want>. If you want to remove the item from the region, do /tc removeItem <name you want> <region>.
  6. Now it's time to set how many treasure items the region should drop on each time interval. Do the command /tc setMaxTreasure <region> <max number>. Then do the command /tc setMinTreasure <region> <min number>. Now the region will drop a number of items in the inverval from <min number> to <max number>. The max number cannot exceed the number of treasures the region has.
  7. To set how much of a particular item should drop on each time inverval, do /tc setMaxItem <itemname> <region> <max number> and /tc setMinItem <itemname> <region> <min number>. Now if the region decides to drop this item as a treasure, the amount of this item will be a number in the interval from <min number> to <max number>. Repeat this process for each item you want.
  8. Now you have finished your region. do /tc enable <region>. The region will now work and you should start seeing the area spawn treasure chests every <seconds>. If you want the region to stop spawning chests, do /tc disable <region>.


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