TourGuide | Commands

TourGuide | Commands

General Commands

There are 3 main commands:

/tourguide or /tg
These are the main admin commands (excluding /tg help)
Join the next available tour
Leave the tour you're in

POI Commands

/tg poi add <name>
Adds a POI at the location where you're currently standing. NOTE: This also saves where you are looking
/tg poi remove <name>
Removes the POI with ID <name>
/tg poi list
List all POIs
/tg poi view <name>
Teleports you to the POI, and saves your current location
/tg back
Teleports you back to your saved location
/tg poi debug <name>
Displays debug information if POI is inactive
/tg poi enable <name>
Enables a POI
/tg poi disable <name>
Disabled a POI
/tg poi desc <name>
Enables you to set a new description with the following command:
/tg desc [Description]
Saves a new description for the POI selected in the command above (You must do the command above first)
/tg poi rename <current name>
Enables you to rename a POI
/tg rename [New Name]
Changes the name for the POI selected in the command above (You must do the command above first)

Group Commands

/tg group list
List all current groups

Tour Commands

/tg tour list
List all tours
/tg tour end <id>
End a tour. NOTE: Only the guide of a tour can end it. If there is no guide then anyone with tourguide.tour.end can end the tour
/tg vote
Add a vote to move on to the next POI

Guide Commands

/tg guide <id>
Become the guide of group with id <id>
/tg leave
Leave as guide
/tg next
While a tour is in progress, use this command to go to the next POI

Help Commands

/tg help
General Help Page
/tg help <poi | group | tour | guide>
Specific help pages for given section

TourGuide | OverviewTourGuide | ConfigurationTourGuide | PermissionsTourGuide | NPCs