
Are you like me? Do you like to be able to swear a bit while playing Minecraft? If you do, then you probably get annoyed with all your swear words being filtered. However, servers have to have a chat filter because if they don't, a lot of people complain how the conversations are "inappropriate" and "offensive". You can't argue with these people either, because they want to have a nice friendly conversation, not one full of cursing.

The thing is, none of the major chat-plugins seems to accomodate for both of these mindsets. That's where ToggleFilter comes in. We've created a plugin which allows for each individual player to decide whether they want what they see to be filtered. The people who choose to have the filter enabled will rude words filtered out and replaced with different, less offensive words. On the other hand, if people choose to have the filter disabled, they will see the chat with the message sent as it was originally intended to be read.

The words to filter are completely customisable by the server's staff, as are the replacement-words. This can be done with either: the commands (listed below), or through the config.yml. Please note: to alter the data by using the config.yml, you will need to completely stop the server. The server administrators can also decide whether or not they want the filter to be enabled by default or not.

This plugin has complete UUID support!
Learn more about UUID here:


  • /filter - Lists all the commands available to the player
  • /filter on [player] - Enable the chat filter
  • /filter off [player] - Disable the chat filter
  • /filter check [player] - Check if the filter is on
  • /filter add filter <word> - Add a new word to be filtered
  • /filter remove filter <word> - Stop a word being filtered
  • /filter add replace<word> - Add a new word to act as a replacement word
  • /filter remove replace <word> - Stop a word being used as a rem

Please note, you can use "/filt" instead of "/filter"


  • togglefilter.on.self - Permission for the use of /filter on, but only for the player using it
  • togglefilter.on.other - Permission for the use of /filter on, but only to specify another player and enable it for them
  • - Permission for the use of /filter off, but only for the player using it
  • - Permission for the use of /filter off, but only to specify another player and disable it for them
  • togglefilter.check.self - Permission for the use of /filter check, but only for the player using it
  • togglefilter.check.other - Permission for the use of /filter check, but only to specify another player and check their status
  • togglefilter.add.filterword - Permission to add a new word to be filtered
  • togglefilter.remove.filterword - Permission to stop a word being filtered
  • togglefilter.add.replaceword - Permission to add a new replacement-word
  • togglefilter.remove.replaceword - Permission to stop a word being used as a replacement-word

If you should happen to find any bugs or if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment below!

Thank you!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 25, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Nov 13, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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