
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Advanced home teleport allows server owners/admins to manage, allow, and block home teleportation commands on a per world per user and per grief-prevention claim basis. Provides access to home lists and ability for those with permissions to teleport view and delete other player's homes. Claim owners and admins can control who can and can't set homes inside claims.


  • /home <name> teleport to home <name>, can be limited to same world or allow teleports to homes in any world if <name> is empty teleports to default home set by server owner or most recent home the player set.
  • /home <player> <name> teleports you to home owned by <player> with <name>
  • /home invite <player> <name> invite <player> to your home with <name>
  • /home accept [player name] accept an invite, if you have more than one pending invite include [player name] to select one.
  • /home set <name> creates a new home at the current location with <name> provided the user has permission and has remaining homes to set if not tells the user to remove a home first using /home remove <name>
  • /home list lists homes owned by you (sorted by world)
  • /home list <player> lists homes owned by <player> (sorted by world)
  • /home remove <name> removes your home with name <name> if only one home <name> can be left blank.
  • /home remove <player> <name> removes home owned by <player> with <name>
  • /home trust <player> [all] allow a particular player to set homes the claim you are standing in or all your claims overrides /home block
  • /home trusted [claim number] lists all players and groups who have explicit permission to set a home in the claim you are standing in. If not standing in a claim prints a list of all your claims telling you to select one.
  • /home allow <permission level> allows users with <permission level> to set homes in the current claim
  • /home deny <permission level> disallow homes in the grief prevention claim you are standing in for anyone below <permission level> If your are not standing in a grief prevention claim disallows homes for all your claims for anyone below <permission level>
    • Possible permission levels:
    • 0 "owner" the owner of the claim and above can set their homes here
    • 1 "permtrust" players who have /permissionstrust or above on the claim may set their home here
    • 2 "trusted" players who have /trust permissions or above on the claim may set their home here
    • 3 "containtertrust" players who have container trust or above may set their home here
    • 4 "accesstrust" players who have /accesstrust or above on the claim may set their home here
    • 5 "everyone" everyone can set their home here
    • <group> players in permission <group> (created in your permission manager) can set their home here. If typed names conflict with permission groups the number must be used instead. †

Other Details

Per world, per player, and per group configurable home limits. †

Ability to limit how often each command can be used by permission level. †

Behavior when your home is inside a claim that you no longer have permission to set a home in: (configurable in settings file)

  1. moves home to nearest position where homes are allowed †
  2. alerts the player they can not teleport to their home because it is in a claim where homes are not allowed

Detection of obstructions: (configurable in settings file)

  1. if there are not 2 blocks of space near where their home is set the user will be alerted that their home is obstructed when they attempt to use /home to teleport
  2. the home can be automatically moved to the nearest unobstructed location.†

Feature not finished.


Works with:

More features to come....

If you would like support added for your favorite protection, region, world manager, permissions manager, any other plugin or the addition of any features please search the active tickets to see if it has already been requested. If not, add a new ticket. Please provide a detailed description of the feature/s you would like to see.
Tickets without a clear description of the problem/feature will be deleted/ignored.

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Repo: GitHub

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 19, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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