


When not using permissions, OPs can create portals and use the /teleman command and everyone can use a portal. Alternatively, you can give players teleman.create to allow them to create a portal, give teleman.admin to allow the command and you can negate teleman.use to disable portals for them.


Configure Teleman: set up economy, translate it into your language, stop lag, ...

Standard config (Teleman 2.0)

#default config.yml for TELEMAN
  #item-id used to create portals. default: 345 - compass
  create-item: 345  
  #the block you make poertals with. default: 57 - diamond
  portal-material: 57 

  #all the material-ids you cannot make a portal of.
  #if you want to exclude a specific data value, type id:data, e.g. 24:1 for chiseled sandstone
  not-solid: 0,8,9,10,11,63,68
  #autosave mode: on , silent , off (silent: do not show messages in console)
  autosave: silent
  #Shall the console spam you with portal coords? default: no, thanks
  console-silent: true
  # maximum dimensions of the portal
  max-height: 10
  max-width: 10
  #If searching is enabled, players can jump through a big portal to use it. may cause lag on Raspberry Pi servers
  vertical-searching: true

economy: #what do players have to pay for using Teleman?
  #enable payment
  enable: false
  create: 1000 # 1k for creating portals
  use: 10 # 10 for using once - return not included
  #who gets the money? leave blank to fling it away
  recipient: server
  charge-message: You have been charged %amount%
  not-enough-message: You havent got enough money to do that
  #here you can set the general messages sent to players
  portalerror: Error - This portal seems not to be built correctly!
  oncreation: Portal created!
  #The Chan=xxx Message
  chanprefix: Chan= 
  #show this Message on portal creation?
  show-channel: false

  #on teleport: to disable the Teleport! message, just leave it blank:
  ontp: Teleport!
  #Someone put a block in front of the portal:
  barrederror: Your destination is obstructed :(

  nodestination: The Portal you are trying to use has no destination.
  notpermitted: You are not allowed to do that!
  delete: Portal deleted.