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The official API

This API allows developers to make their plugins interact with TeamPlugin! Here is how it works:

Setting up

1. Include TeamApi.jar (download TeamPluginApi.zip from Files and unzip it) to your libraries just like including bukkit.jar! 2. Add this to your plugin.yml!

depend: [TeamPlugin]

3. Add this to your code!

//remember to import all classes!
public class MyTeamsApiTest {
    TeamManager teamManager; //the variable teamManager is declared manage teams.

    public void onEnable(){
        manager = TeamPlugin.getApiManager(); //gets the manager from TeamPlugin

Now you have set-up your plugin!

Doing something

The main functions are listed here, for other functions, please read the Javadocs

Creating teams, and modifing its /team vault:

            //assume this is in a command
            if(manager.getMemberByName(s.getName())!=null){  //checks if the CommandSender already has a team
                s.sendMessage("You already have a team!");  //sends a message to the sender
                return true;
            if(!(s instanceof Player)){  //checks if the CommandSender is not a player
                s.sendMessage("Only players can use this command!");  //tells the sender only players can use this command
                return true;  //returns true, this will not execute code below
            Team t=null;  //declares the created team
                manager.createNewTeam("team"+s.getName().substring(4),(Player)s);  //creates a team using TeamManager.createNewTeam(name,player)
                //The player will be the moderator/admin of the team (/team admin) and the team will be named "team" plus first 4 chars of the name of the player
            }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){  //there is an error in creating a team!
                if(e.getMessage().startsWith("The name is al")){  //checks if the error is caused by an existing name
                    s.sendMessage("The team already exists!");
                    return true;  //does not call the code below
                s.sendMessage("Unknown error"); //unknown error! you should log the error to getLogger()
                return true;  //does not call the code below
            Inventory teamVault=t.getVault();  //gets the vault of the team (/team vault). An inventory will be returned. Check Inventory in Bukkit for 
                                                              //more help
            ItemStack diamonds=new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND,64);  //creates an itemstack that contains 64 diamonds
            teamVault.addItem(diamonds);  //adds the diamonds to the created team!

Disbanding a team

            //assume this is in a command
            Member m=manager.getMemberByName(s.getName());
            if(m==null){  //checks if the CommandSender does not have a team
                s.sendMessage("You do not have a team!");  //sends a message to the sender
                return true;

Checks if a player is in a team, and is a moderator in a team

String playerName=something;
Member m=manager.getMemberByName(playerName);
    //then the player is not in a team
        //then the player is a moderator in a team
        //the player is in a team, but is not a moderator

Checks if a team exists

String teamName=something;
Team t=manager.getTeamByName(teamName);
    //team exists, and do something

Lists all members in a team

Team t=something;
Member[] members=manager.listMembers(t);  //lists all members. throws an exception if t==null

The API may be buggy and is in its beta version!

Check the javadocs for more information!


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