

SwornGuard is a comprehensive Anti-Cheat plugin that is centered around catching cheaters and remediating them, rather than preventing their actions. SwornGuard features over ten different detectors, including fly, spam, xray, speed, faction betrayal, combat logging, and more! All of SwornGuard's detectors are configurable. SwornGuard also has a built-in jail system, which can be set up and managed in-game. SwornGuard has a built-in patrolling system, including auto patrol, cheat patrol, and vanish.

Comparable to AntiCheat and NoCheatPlus


  1. Download SwornGuard (insert link here)
  2. Drop it into your plugins folder
  3. Restart / start your server (reloading is not recommended)
  4. Adjust your configuration to suit your needs
  5. Enjoy the plugin! :)

Development Builds

Development Builds can be found at our Continuous Integration server. These builds are not approved by the BukkitDev staff and are to be used at your own risk

Official SwornGuard Servers

http://shadowvolt.com/media/banner.gif http://minesworn.com/images/Minestatussworn.gif


  • Auto-Clicker Detector
    • Prevents clicks that are too close to each other (configurable)
  • Combat Log Detector
    • Catches and kills players who disconnect too soon after being damaged (configurable)
  • Faction Betrayal Detector
    • Identifies possible faction betrayal and kicks and kills (factions 1.6.x only)
  • Fly Detector
    • Catches the most common form of cheating, flying. All aspects of this detector are configurable.
  • Spam Detector
    • Stops players from spamming commands and messages, helping to reduce one of the most common annoyances in chat.
  • Speed Detector
    • Catches players using speed hacks
  • Xray Detector
    • Analyzes mining patterns and alerts staff if someone is suspected of Xray.

Chat Management

  • Jail Muting
    • Allows the muting of jailed players (/jailmute)
    • Player is unmuted when unjailed
  • Troll Hell
    • Hides common chat trolls, only they and staff can see their messages.


  • Setting Up
    • Using /jailset goes through the process of setting the jail
    • Ideally, the jail would only be 2 blocks high, so players cannot hold down the spacebar to give the illusion of being active.
  • Jailing Players
    • Using /jail <player> <time> <reason> sends a player to jail for x time for x reason.
    • Players cannot use commands not whitelisted in jail
    • Players can use /jailstatus while in jail to see why they're in jail.


A full list of commands can be found using /sg help and /jailhelp or here


A full list of permissions can be found here


If SwornGuard has made a significant impact on your server and you feel like donating, click the button below! (Please do not donate more than you can afford!)


Bug Reporting

If you happen to find a bug, create a ticket following this template:

  • Provide a DETAILED description of your problem and how it came about, as well as all (if any) steps taken to remedy the problem.
  • Provide any RELEVANT stack traces or error logs (use pastebin or I will delete your ticket)
  • Provide what version of SwornGuard and Bukkit/Spigot you are using (Please provide the full version string, found with /version SwornGuard and /version)
  • Provide any other relevant information.

Before Reporting

  • Check the Development Builds, often times your problems are already solved!
  • Make sure you are running the latest Bukkit/Spigot build


  • Support will not be given for any of the following: Offline Servers and Servers running ancient versions of either Bukkit/Spigot or Java.
  • SwornGuard has been fully tested (as well as built with) with the latest builds of both Java and Bukkit.

About This Project



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