Switchable Inventories

Switchable Inventories description

Switchable Inventories is a new plugin designed and developed by coolmanzz2. It allows the admin/owner of the server to create and inventory with any name for any price, vault is required for this plugin. Once the Inventory is bought you can then have on of the players buy that inventory for the price you set it as. Once the Inventory is bought you can then switch to that Inventory, all your stuff in your current inventory will be removed and that inventory's contents will be added to you. Once you switch back to your older inventory you will regain all your items and all the items for that inventory will be removed. Please note: If you are in the default inventory your items will NOT come back, currently a bug. To fix this put all your items in a chest and create 2 inventory you can then switch back and forth on, buy both of them and switch to the first one. This mod was developed and fully made by me if you have any questions or bugs please make a ticket or email me at [email protected]

Switchable Inventories Commands

  1. /si This is the basic command and will tell you all the other commands in-game
  2. /si create (name) (price) this creates an Inventory with the specified name and price, again vault must be installed.
  3. /si buy (name) buys the inventory you have created from the above command
  4. /si switch (name) switches to the inventory you specified
  5. /si reload this just reloads only the plugin
  6. /si list <all:owned> lists your owned inventories or all inventories.

Switchable Inventories Permissions

  1. SI.admin
  2. SI.create

Just two basic permissions I created to stop regular players from using the main commands that affect the plugin more to come later in plugin development.

Know Bugs

Main Bugs:

  1. None :D

Upcoming Features

  1. Signs to buy new inventories
  2. Signs to switch to inventories
  3. Permissions for each Inventory


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