


This plugin gives you the opportunity to have Supplydrops on your Server. You can make custom Kits per world and as many as you want. You can make kits really easy with a gui ingame.

How to get startet

After you downloaded the plugin and you put it in the plugin direction, you have to reload your server. A SupplyDrop folder will be created with the config inside, where you can configure things like the messages and some world options. Then you might want to make your first kit. To do so use the Command /sd loot (permission: supplydrop.use) and a inventory will appear with all your worlds inside. Select the world you want to edit. Then select the sword to create a new kit or select one existing kit to edit it. If you create a new kit you have to write a name for it in the chat and then do all the items in the Inventory the kit should have. To delete a kit remove all items. Then close your inventory and your kit is saved. To activate the supplydrop in a world use /sd activate and the Supplydrop will happen in a specific amount of time (relies on the config values)


CommandPermissionWhat it do
/sdsupplydrop.useShows all commands
/sd activatesupplydrop.useactivates the Supplydrop in your world
/sd lootsupplydrop.useopens the gui to edit the kits
/sd forcestartsupplydrop.usestart a Supplydrop


click here to see the config with a explanation

Last words

If you miss a feature fell free to post your idea.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 5, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Feb 6, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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