Version 1.x

Super charge your furnaces to produce more ingots!


Smelt Ingots and other items more efficiently so you double your output!


Here is a description of the config.yml settings:

The Power Block is the block you place to create a SuperSmelter Furnace, it must be underneath the furnace, the default is now EMERALD_ORE.



The amount of extra fuel burned (wood, coal, charcoal, etc.) is called the Fuel Multiplier, so if leave it on the default of 2, then the item being used will burn twice as fast, meaning it only lasts half as long as normal. Set it to .5 and the fuel will burn at 1/2 the burn speed, this works well if you just want to create more efficient furnaces.



If you want the SuperSmelter to double your output of smelted items from your Smelt List use the Output Double Setting. Change the default to false if you don't want to double the items smelted.

Output: DOUBLE: true

The items you want to be smelted are listed in the Smelt List, the defaults are IRON_INGOT, GOLD_INGOT, and STONE. Any item that can be cooked in a furnace will be cooked in a SuperSmelter but If you place an item that can be smelted in a SuperSmelter and it's not in the Smelt List, it will not produce extra items but it will burn the additional fuel set in the Fuel Multiplier.


To install SuperSmelter do the following:

1) Add SuperSmelter to your plugins folder, start your server or /reload your plugins

2) Edit the config.yml file in the SuperSmelter Folder.

3) Reload or restart again for your changes to take effect.

To create a SuperSmelter Furnace do the following in game:

1) Built a furnace.

2) Acquire a Power Block (Default is EMERALD_ORE).

3) Place your Power Block.

4) Place your furnace on top of the Power Block.

To use your SuperSmelter Furnace do the following in game:

1) Place fuel (normal fuel: wood, coal, charcoal, etc.) in your furnace.

2) Place Ore in the furnace (must be an item in your Smelting List like IRON_ORE, GOLD_ORE, etc).

3) As the furnace burns the fuel (at an accelerated rate by default) it produces two (also by default) ingots (or other items) for each block.


No configuration is necessary but you may change the Power Block, Fuel Multiplier, Double Output, or Smelt List
