Suicide Bomber

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin was asked for by: Yebol

About the plugin:

The plugin was asked for by Yebol on the bukkit plugin requests forum. The plugin will blow you up/ creat a explosion at your location when you right click with the chosen wand file in the config. This plugin can be used for multiple things, for example role playing and minigames. For minigames you could create a game mode where the bomber has to blow you up. This plugin also enables you to add custom displaynames and lores for your detonator, they can be defined in the config. You can also set how powerful each class is. I have made the plugin so you can create as many classes as you want, just make sure you follow the default config and you should be fine! This plugin can also be used for a donation item where when you donate you get permission for another class where it gives you different abilities and detonators. You can change if the classes do block damage to so you could use this for a ova server and not cause any damage!


  • /enablebomb (classname) - enabled a class and gives you the detonator defined in the config
  • /disablebomb - disables the current class you have enabled
  • /bombreload - reloads configuration of the plugin


  • /enablebomb (class) - SuicideBomber.use.(CLASSNAME)
  • /disablebomb - SuicideBomber.disable
  • /reloadbomb - SuicideBomber.reload

Default Config:

    Item Name: '&aMember&lBomber'
    Item Lore: '&5Cowards way out.'
    Blast Power: '5'
    Block Damage: false
    Can Escape: false
    Item Name: '&aMember&lBomber'
    Item Lore: '&5Cowards way out.'
    Blast Power: '5'
    Block Damage: false
    Can Escape: false

If there are any bugs/errors could you please list them in the comments below as this is a new plugin and hasnt been fully tested! Thanks for reading!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 5, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Dec 17, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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