Potion Fix

Do you own a PVP server and absolutely hate the 1.6 update because of how overpowered strength potions are? Thinking you might need to completely get rid of the strength effect in your server so it doesn't turn mad? Think again! This plugin will restore the former glory of the strength effect from 1.5. It also restores the old healing and regeneration effects, which is also a nice feature.

How it works

Strength Fix

Let me explain the math behind 1.5 and 1.6 strength.


  • Using ANY sort of weapon(including your bare fists), your damage will be increased at a flat rate of 1.5 Hearts/Level of Strength.


  • Using ANY sort of weapon(including your fancy diamond sword), your damage will be increased by 130%/Level of Strength.


Let's just say for a moment that we got this guy with a plain old diamond sword. Nothing fancy, like super enchantments, or anything. In 1.5, if that person drinks a Strength II potion and hits a player/mob with their sword, they will deal 6.5 Hearts of damage to that creature. In 1.6, if that same person drank a Strength II potion and hit a player/mob with their sword, they will deal 14.5 Hearts of damage. What???? 8 Hearts difference?! Are you absolutely kidding me??????? Well, just don't worry about it anymore, this will hopefully fix the stress also.

What the plugin does to restore the old strength

Let me just say, this plugin is pretty simple, but it fixes a complicated problem for server owners. All it does is it detects if someone has strength, if so, the new damage increase will be undone. Then the plugin will add the old strength damage on and that will be the product of a hit. Pretty simple, if you ask me.

Healing Fix


  • Base healing is 3 hearts. Health gained doubles every additional level.


  • Base healing is 2 hearts. Health gained doubles every additional level.

Regeneration Fix


  • 1 heart is gained every 1.25 seconds. Time is cut in half every additional level.


  • 1 heart is gained every 2.5 seconds. Time is cut in half every additional level.


Thanks to PluginPVP for the comparisons!

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 30, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Oct 1, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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