
StaffOnline allows players to see which staff members are online and how many players are on at the moment. This makes it a lot easier instead of players saying "Are there any staff online" in the chat.

Shows the staff players online
Shows number of online players
Shows the max number of players
Highly Customizable

/whoShows a list of the staff players that are online, amount of players on, max amount of players
/listAlias for /who

Version 1.0

use.whoAllows the player to use /who command
use.listAllows the player to use /list command
online.staffGive this permission to the staff groups so it will show when a player of the group is online

Version 1.1 +

staffonline.whoAllows the player to use /who command
staffonline.listAllows the player to use /list command
online.staffGive this permission to the staff groups so it will show when a player of the group is online
staffonline.updateAllows player to use /staffupdate and See when updates are available


%online%Number of online players
%max_online%Max amount of players
%staff%Shows the names of the players online who have the permission online.staff


  • Drop the .jar into the plugin folder, Customize to your liking, and Done!


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