Staff Monitor

Staff Monitor [v1.4]



This plugin is a simple plugin that generates individual log files for staff members, or basically anyone you decide to give the monitoring permission. It tracks some of the most used forms of violations that your staff can commit.

OBS: Performance/Impact on Big servers is untested. It's recommended to clean files as soon as possible.


- Currently logs the following actions:

  • When a block is placed (which block, where)
  • When a block is destroyed (which block, where)
  • When an item is dropped (which item, amount, where)
  • When an item is picked up (which item, amount, where)
  • When a command is used (which command)
  • When a staffer leaves the server
  • When a staffer joins the server
  • When a staffer interacts with a chest (item, amount, where)
  • When a teleport happens (where to)
  • When a death happens (where)
  • Option to report commands at real time to admins(needs to be activated on the config.yml, plus, you'll need to give the permission staffmonitor.admin to those allowed to receive this information)
  • Option to enable a feature where you can store all commands used by a staffer in a separated file that can be accessed ingame using the command /staffmonitor showcommands [player] (needs to be activated on the config.yml file)

PS: "where" includes world name


  1. Place this plugin on your plugins directory

  2. Give the following permission to any group you would like to monitor (staffmonitor.staff)

  3. Go to /staffmonitor/logs directory to access all the log files

  4. You can change which events are recorded using the config file. (true = record, false don't record)




  • staffmonitor.staff -> Whoever has this permission will be monitored
  • staffmonitor.admin -> Permission to use /staffmonitor reload and to receive real time reports of commands being used(if this is activated on the config.yml)



  • /staffmonitor reload -> Reloads your configuration
  • /staffmonitor showcommands [player] -> Show the commands last used by one of the watched staffers (Needs to be activated on the config.yml file (enableListCommandsIngame: true))



- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- 1.7


- Feel free to test on your version and tell me whether it works or not =)

Version History:


- Fixed some bugs 
- Tested and updated to 1.12


- Changed the way files are stored. Now each player has a private folder
- Added an option to log commands used by staffers to those with staffmonitor.admin permission(real-time)
- Added an option to enable the command /staffmonitor showcommands [player] to show a player's last commands (will generate a separated log file

- Added an option on the config file to disable monitoring /login commands (delete your previous config and generate a new one OR add the following line to the config file: MonitorLoginCommands: true)

- Added the /staffmonitor reload command, so you can change your configuration without having to restart
- Tested on 1.7 and 1.8

- Plugin release

To-Do list:

  • Add Information about who received a dropped item


Add your Suggestions!

If you enjoyed this plugin and you would like to support me in the development of StaffMonitor, I would greatly appreciate your donation!




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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 20, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Sep 16, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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