Snow Ball Fight!

Snow Ball Fight


Works on 1.8.7 too!


Snow Ball Fight is a new snow ball match creating plugin. Although currently early in development, the plugin allows for elimination matches between players. The plugin allows for a configurable number of lives between 1 and 10 (And a nice little GUI to represent this), custom arena spawn point, custom minimum players to start the match, and maximum players in a match.

Upon typing the command: "/sbf join" A player has their inventory and previous location stored and are teleported to the arena center. Once enough players have typed this command, as configured by "/set minplayers" the match will start. After a configurable amount of time, each player in the match is given infinite snowballs to hurl at one another. Upon losing all of their lives, players are teleported back to their previous location and their inventories are returned.

Once only one player remains, the game will end and announce the winner to the server publicly.

Additional Features:

Force start: Accessible through "/sbf start" this will allow those with sufficient permissions to instantly start a snow ball fight even if the minimum players requirement is not met.

Force stop: Accessible through "/sbf stop" this will allow those with sufficient permissions to instantly halt a snow ball match and teleport all players to their previous locations and restore inventories.

In-game modifiable config: Players with sufficient permissions can edit the config of Snow Ball Fight in game with "/sbf set minplayers", "/sbf set maxplayers", "/sbf set center", "/sbf set lives" and "/sbf set time."

Quit mid match: Allows players to type the command "/sbf quit" to instantly forfeit a snow ball match. They will be returned to their previous location with their inventory.

Blocks Commands: Players in a snowball fight match cannot use any commands other than "/sbf" commands.

Blocks building: Players in snowball fight matches cannot build or break any blocks.

Arenas per world: Arenas are saved per world and can be teleported to from anywhere.

Multiple arenas: The plugin can support an infinite number of arenas with different configuration settings.

Potion Effects: The plugin allows for customizable potion effects (Jump and Speed) per arena.


Command: /sbf join (arena)

  • Description: joins an arena if it exists.
  • Example: /sbf join fight
  • Additional information: Upon typing this command, the plugin will scan your config.yml to make sure you have created an arena with this name. If the arena exists, then the player will be teleported to the arena. Their inventory and previous location will be stored for after they leave the match.
  • Permissions:

Command: /sbf list

  • Description: Lists all arenas.
  • Example: /sbf list
  • Additional Information: Arenas are added to the list automatically the first time someone joins them. They can also be added manually through config. Until the arena is joined once or added to the config, it will not appear on this list.

Permissions: None.

Command: /sbf quit

  • Description: Leaves your current game or wait queue.
  • Example: /sbf quit
  • Additional Information: If a player is in a match and types this command, they will be teleported from the arena and to their previous location and given their previous inventory.
  • Permissions:

Command: /sbf start (arena) :

  • Description: Forces the countdown timer to begin for a match, or, if the timer was already started, then the match will automatically begin without waiting for the timer.
  • Example: /sbf start fight
  • Additional Information: This command will force start an arena match and should only be given to administrators.
  • Permissions: sbf.start

Command: /sbf stop (arena)

  • Description: Stops the match instantly and sends all players back to their previous locations.
  • Example: /sbf stop fight
  • Additional Information: This is an administrative command which force stops the specified arena. All players will be sent back to their previous locations and their inventories restored.
  • Permissions: sbf.stop

Command: /sbf set center (arena)

  • Description: Sets the teleport location for an arena to your current coordinates and world.
  • Example: /sbf set center fight
  • Additional Information: Typing this command will set the center of the specified arena to your exact location. When a player joins this arena, they will be teleported to this location. This should be set in the place you wish the match to be fought.
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf set time (arena) (time)

  • Description: Sets the countdown timer (in seconds) for the specified arena. The countdown timer begins as soon as the minimum number of players has entered an arena queue.
  • Example: /sbf set time fight 10
  • Additional Information: When typing this command, keep in mind that the number is in seconds. This will set the time between when the minimum number of players have entered a match until it starts. This allows for more players besides the minimum to join, up until the maximum number has been reached.
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf set minplayers (arena) (number)

  • Description: Sets the minimum number of players to play a match.
  • Example: /sbf set minplayers fight 10
  • Additional Information: Typing this command will set the minimum number of players required to join a match to the number you specify. The minimum number of players cannot be higher than the maximum.
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf set maxplayers (arena) (number)

  • Description: Sets the maximum number of players that can play in a match.
  • Example: /sbf set maxplayers fight 10
  • Additional Information: Typing this command will set the maximum number of players who can join a match to the number you specify. The maximum number of players cannot be lower than the minimum. Also, you can override this block by having the permission: sbf.full Anyone with this permission can join a full match.
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf set lives (arena) (number)

  • Description: Sets the number of lives each player has in an arena.
  • Example: /sbf set lives fight 10
  • Additional Information: This command only accepts arguments between one and ten for lives. When hit by a snowball, your lives are depleted by one, which is shown in the GUI using minecraft hearts. Each heart represents one life.
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf set snowballs (arena) (number)

  • Description: Sets the number of snowballs given to a player at the start of a match.
  • Example: /sbf set lives snowballs fight 20
  • Additional Information: This command sets the number of snowballs given to a player upon completion of the game-starting countdown. This can be used to force players to be conservative (or not) with their snowballs.
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf set unlimited (arena) (true/false)

  • Description: Sets whether snowballs are unlimited in a match.
  • Example: /sbf set unlimited fight false
  • Additional Information: Typing this command will set whether or not more snowballs are given after a snowball is thrown in a match. Currently there is no support for giving additional snowballs after a match has started except through this.
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf set speed (arena) (number)

  • Description: Sets the potion effect level of speed given to a player upon the start of a match.
  • Example: /sbf set speed fight 2
  • Additional Information: Typing this command sets the speed effect level given to every player in a match to the number specified. Supports numbers 0 to 4.
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf set jump (arena) (number)

  • Description: Sets the level of jump boost given to a player upon the start of a match.
  • Example: /sbf set jump (arena) (number)
  • Additional Information: Typing this command sets the jump boost level given to a player when the match begins. Supports numbers between 0 and 4. Remember - make sure players cannot jump out of an arena!
  • Permissions: sbf.set.all

Command: /sbf create (arena)

  • Description: Creates an arena with the specified name
  • Example: /sbf create fight
  • Additional Information: Typing this command will generate an arena with a simple default config. This arena should NOT be used with its default settings. Make sure to at least set the center to a valid location. Permissions: sbf.create


  • : Allows a user to play and quit snowball fight matches
  • sbf.set.all : Allows a user to edit config files
  • sbf.start : Allows a user to force start a game
  • sbf.stop : Allows a user force stop a game
  • sbf.full : Allows a user to join a game after maximum players has been reached
  • sbf.create : Allows a user to create a snow ball arena.


Add player statistics.

Add support for signs to display arena information

Add scoreboard GUI.


You have to build your own snow ball fighting arena, and this arena must have no exits for the players to leave through.


If you really liked my plugin, you can always donate to me on my paypal!


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