What is it?

This game the classic One in the Quiver with modified Weapons and Bows, Players are put into a game lobby while they wait for the game to start, once started players spawn inside the arena and its pure warfare, bows that instantly kill will be soaring across the skies, Iron swords will be clashing as players fight to win.

What makes this plugin special?

Well, apart from obtaining the looks of plugins from TheHive, and Mineplex, this plugin has custom weapon names and lores to spice up the gameplay, also i provide a anti - "Criticals Cheat" as iron swords only do 2 dmg and will never perform a critical attack.


1) When you create a arena and delete an arena it will still show in (/oitq list) until the server is restarted, i suggest making this a admin only command.

2) When you type a command with more then 2 words for ex, /oitq start [arenaName] if you just type /oitq start, no usage will show up, im working around this bug and will push an update once I get it working for all commands.


Setting up signs are very easy, once spawn areas and the arena is created go to your main lobby where the signs will be and do the following:

First Line: [oitq]

Second Line: arenaName

The sign will change after creation allowing players to click on it and join.


  • /oitq displays the help page!
  • /oitq lobby Take the user to the MainLobby!
  • /oitq leave If in a game lobby this places you in the MainLobby.
  • /oitq join Joins a game room.
  • /oitq create [ArenaName] Creates a arena!
  • /oitq delete [ArenaName] Deleted a arena!.
  • /oitq addspawn [ArenaName] Adds an in-game spawn where you are standing to the arena name provided.
  • /oitq setmainlobby sets the main lobby or preferably where the Join signs will be.
  • /oitq setgamelobby [ArenaName] sets the game lobby, a player clicks a join sign and take him to the respective lobby for the arena.
  • /oitq stop [ArenaName] stops a given arena if there is players in it if not nothing will happen.
  • /oitq start [ArenaName] starts the arena given if there are more than 2 players in it.
  • /oitq reload reloads the configuration file.
  • /oitq list lists all arenas.


  • oitq.*
  • oitq.signs
  • oitq.list
  • oitq.create
  • oitq.delete
  • oitq.addspawn
  • oitq.setmainlobby
  • oitq.setgamelobby
  • oitq.start
  • oitq.stop
  • oitq.reload
  • oitq.vip

Upcoming Features?

- Kits

- Anything you guys really want included.


  1. Download the OITQ.jar file.
  2. Open your Downloads Folder.
  3. Drag the OITQ.jar file to your desktop.
  4. Open up your Plugins folder.
  5. Drag and drop the OITQ.jar into the folder.
  6. Restart the Server and your done!


(I will make a tutorial as soon as i can get access to a mic).


(I need a youtuber to provide the actual gameplay as i cannot for me please!)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 23, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jul 19, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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