Smoke Bombs

Smoke bombs are a fun addition to your server. Whenever you hit a player with a smoke bomb, it gives them nausea and blindness for a few seconds. The default is 60 ticks which is 3 seconds. This can be changed in the configuration file (20 ticks = 1 second). The strength of the effects is III but you can also change that in the configuration file too. This plugin is useful for PvP servers or KitPvP servers where you can use the bombs to make a quick escape! However, players within 3 blocks (even you) are also affected so make sure to throw them from afar! The code is lightweight so it won't lag your sever at all! There are also no commands you need to worry about. When configuring your options, make sure to save the options and then reload your server for the changes to take effect. The default config file will appear if you leave the current one incomplete or missing.

You need to craft the smoke bombs first. It's a shapeless recipe including 4 of the projectile, 4 coal, and 1 TnT. Right now, the only projectiles that can be crafted into smoke bombs are eggs, snowballs, and enderpearls. (Enderpearls can't be used in crafting right away because you have to enable it in the permissions!)

Here is the egg recipe:

Here is the snowball recipe:

Length: 60
Amplitude: 3
Length: 60
Amplitude: 3
Egg: true
Snowballs: true
Enderpearls: false

Change the values as much as you want but remember that the length of the effects needs to be in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second). Also, these values need to be integers for the plugin to work. For the enabled types that can be made into smokebombs, you can change the values to true or false if you want them enabled or not. The config values for the enabled types only allows the recipes for the smoke bombs to be created. In order for players to use them, the permission nodes also have to allow it. Remember that the config file appears after you run your server with this plugin for the first time.

Permission Nodes:
smokebombs.useeggbombs - Allows you to use eggs as smokebombs. (On by default)
smokebombs.usesnowbombs - Allows you to use snowballs as smokebombs. (On by default)
smokebombs.useenderbombs - Allows you to use enderpearls as smokebombs. (Off by default)


6/23/14 - Smoke bombs 1.4 - Improved the system and fixed the potion effect length.
6/21/14 - Smoke Bombs 1.3 - There is a recipe now for the smoke bombs. You can also use snowballs to make smoke bombs.
8/22/13 - Smoke Bombs 1.2 - Added because of a request. Permission to use smoke bombs is off by default. Use the other 1.2 version if you don't specifically want this.
8/20/13 - Smoke Bombs 1.2 - 1.6.2 CB Beta (Made it so that smoke bombs also activate when they hit blocks as well as players.)
8/10/13 - Smoke Bombs 1.1 - 1.6.2 CB Beta
8/10/13 - Smoke Bombs 1.0 - 1.6.2 CB Beta


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 9, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 23, 2014
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