


Commands and permissions



Shows your current wallet.

Aliases : /wallet, /economy, /econ or /eco.


Parameters with <> are not optionals, [] are optionals.

info. Gets info about the current economy. Requires permission
Example(s) : /skyowallet info

pay <amount> <player | uuid>. Pays some money to a player. Requires permission
Example(s) : /wallet pay 1.5 Skyost | /econ pay 100.0 2a74ab4f-8294-46af-af5b-0a9cd65fc1aa

set <amount> [player | uuid]. Sets the money of a player. Requires permission skyowallet.set.
Example(s) : /eco set 3.8 Skyost | /econ set 59.0 2a74ab4f-8294-46af-af5b-0a9cd65fc1aa

sync [player | uuid]. Synchronizes the databases (mysql <-> memory <-> hdd). If you specify a player, the synchronization will be run only for the specified player. Requires permission skyowallet.sync.
Example(s) : /economy sync

top [number]. Show the [number] richest players on the server (wallet + bank account). Default is 10. Requires permission
Example(s) : /economy sync

view <player | uuid>. Views how many money the specified player has. Requires permission skyowallet.view.
Example(s) : /econ view Skyost | /wallet view 2a74ab4f-8294-46af-af5b-0a9cd65fc1aa



Shows your bank data (bank name, current balance, ...).

Aliases : /ba.


Parameters with <> are not optionals, [] are optionals.

approve [player | uuid]. Allows the specified player to join your bank (if you have enabled the bank request system, see below for the configuration). Requires permission and you must be an owner of the specified bank (or have the permission skyowallet.admin).
Example(s) : /bank approve Skyost

create <bank>. Creates a bank with the specified name. Requires permission
Example(s) : /bank create BNP

delete [bank]. Deletes a bank. If you do not specify a bank, your current bank will be selected. Requires permission and you must be an owner of the specified bank (or have the permission skyowallet.admin).
Example(s) : /bank delete BNP

deny [player | uuid]. Allows you to deny the specified player who wants to join your bank (if you have enabled the bank request system, see below for the configuration). Requires permission and you must be an owner of the specified bank (or have the permission skyowallet.admin).
Example(s) : /bank deny Skyost

deposit <amount>. Transfers the specified amount of money from your wallet to your bank account. Requires permission
Example(s) : /ba deposit 1000

info. Gets information about your current bank. Requires permission skyowallet.sync and you must be an owner of the specified bank (or have the permission skyowallet.admin).
Example(s) : /bank info

join <bank>. Joins a bank. Requires permission
Example(s) : /ba join BNP

leave. Leaves your current bank. Requires permission
Example(s) : /ba leave

list. Gets a list of available banks. Requires permission
Example(s) : /ba list

removeowner <player | uuid>. Sets the specified player as a simple member of his bank (he is not an owner anymore). Requires permission and you must be an owner of the player's bank (or have the permission skyowallet.admin).
Example(s) : /bank removeowner Skyost

setowner <player | uuid>. Sets the specified player as an owner of his bank. Requires permission and you must be an owner of the player's bank (or have the permission skyowallet.admin).
Example(s) : /ba setowner 2a74ab4f-8294-46af-af5b-0a9cd65fc1aa

toggleapprovalneeded [bank]. Toggles the bank approval system for the specified bank. Requires permission and you must be an owner of the specified bank (or have the permission skyowallet.admin).
Example(s) : /bank tan

withdraw <amount>. Transfers the specified amount of money from your bank account to your wallet. Requires permission
Example(s) : /ba withdraw 100.7



currency-name.singular - The name of your currency (under 2.0).
currency-name.plural - The name of your currency (above 2.0).
default-wallet - When a player joins your server for the first time, this will be his amount.

rounding-digits - Number of digits to keep after the comma. A number inferior than 0 will disable this option.


enable-updater - Enable the auto-updater (Skyupdater).
enable-metrics - Enable the metrics system (MetricsLite).
directory.accounts - Where accounts will be saved. If the specified does not exist, it will be created.
directory.banks - Where banks will be saved. If the specified does not exist, it will be created.

directory.extensions - Where the extensions configs will be saved. If the specified does not exist, it will be created.

synchronization.interval - Synchronization interval, in seconds (MySQL <-> Plugin <-> Files). A number inferior than 1 will disable this option.

synchronization.silent - Whether synchronization should be silent.

banks-default-require-approval - Whether an approval is required to join banks (by default). Can still be toggled on or off later with /bank toggleapprovalneeded (see commands above).
warn-offline-mode - Warns the server owner if the server is in offline mode.

taxes - Global tax rate for everytime a money operation occurs.
rate.skyowallet-pay - Tax rate when /skyowallet pay <amount> <player | uuid> is ran. - Tax rate when /skyowallet deposit <amount> is ran. - Tax rate when /skyowallet withdraw <amount> is ran.
notify - Notifies withholding agents when they earn money thanks to taxes.
to-bank - If enabled, taxes are send to bank accounts instead of wallet (if a bank account is available).
accounts - Withholding agents accounts. Put your data like this : uuid:percentage. For instance, if you put Skyost:60.5, Skyost will collect 60.5% of taxes.

NOTE : The permission skyowallet.taxes.bypass (which is granted to operators by default) will allow you to not pay taxes.


enable - If you want to enable MySQL.
host - Your MySQL host.
port - The port of your MySQL host.
database - Your database name.
user - The MySQL user.
password - The password of your MySQL user. If you don't want to use a password, you can put a blank string here : "".

Messages and translations

You can translate the plugin messages by editing the file messages.yml.


Extensions are small files included in the plugin (or in a third party plus) that improve your game experience.
Configurations files are available in the extensions directory.
You can enable, disable or configure them as you want !

Currently, 6 extensions are available (feel free to make new ones) :



Place bounties on the head of other players !

Configuration :

enable - If you want to enable the extension.
bounty - Bounty configuration (min is the minimum bounty, max is the maximum bounty, notify sets whether or not players should be notified of the bounties that are put on them, give-back-if-deleted allows you to re-send the money to the players if their bounties are deleted by an operator).
messages - The messages sent by the extension.

Commands :

/bounty add <player> <amount> - Adds the specified bounty on the head of the specified player.
/bounty remove <player> - Removes the bounty you put on the head of the specified player.
/bounty delete <player> - Deletes all bounties on the head of the specified player.
/bounty get [player] - Gets bounties on the head of the specified player. If not player is specified, it will be you.
/bounty list - List all bounties handled by the extension.

Permissions :

skyowallet.bounties.add - Allows you to use the add command.
skyowallet.bounties.remove - Allows you to use the remove command.
skyowallet.bounties.delete - Allows you to use the delete command.
skyowallet.bounties.get - Allows you to use the get command.
skyowallet.bounties.get.player - Allows you to use the get command with an argument.
skyowallet.bounties.list - Allows you to use the list command.



It costs money to a player if he wants to use a command.

Configuration :

enable - If you want to enable the extension.
data - Put your data like this : command:cost. Do not put the slash before the command.
commands - The messages sent by the extension.

Permissions :

commandscosts.bypass - Allows you to bypass the limitations set by this extension.



When a player dies, he loses his wallet.

Configuration :

enable - If you want to enable the extension.
messages - The messages sent by the extension.

Permissions :

goodbyewallet.bypass - Allows you to bypass the limitations set by this extension.



Win some money for killing an entity.

Configuration :

enable - If you want to enable the extension.
rewards - Enter you data like that : entity:price. You can have a list of available entities here.
messages - The messages sent by the extension.

Permissions :

killerincome.earn - Allows you to earn money with this extension.



Gives money to a player if he mines a specific block.

Configuration :

enable - If you want to enable the extension.
rewards - Put your data like this : item:reward (you can find a list of available items here).
auto-drop-item - If you do not want the player to pickup the item.
sound - When the player breaks the block (you can find a list of available sounds here).

Permissions :

killerincome.earn - Allows you to earn money with this extension.



Displays information in the sidebar.

Configuration :

enable - If you want to enable the extension.
sidebar - Params about the sidebar.


The plugin has a simple API. You can take a look on the JavaDoc here.
As of v0.3, Skyowallet is compatible with Vault, you do not need to use the built-in API !


Don't hesitate to check and contribute to the source code of Skyowallet ! It is available on Github and licensed under GNU GPL v3.

