Custom Commands

Creating Custom Commands

Creating Custom Commands

Custom commands can be some of the trickiest things to create. They can also be some of the most powerful. In this tutorial I am going to show everything about commands, and how to use them. Let's start by defining what we want the user to type when they execute this command:

command /test:

We now have set up a command called /test. But what if we want the user to enter in more information? Things like a player name or a number. That is where we use arguments. Arguments are a lot like variables, but only have one value that changes each time a command is executed. They are completely dependent on what the player types in. In order to add them to a command you enclose the type of argument with < and >

command /test <player>:
#And for multiple arguments
command /test <player> <number> <text>:

You may also want to make an argument optional. That way the user doesn't have to type it in if they don't want or need that argument for the command. For example, if you made a command that teleported you to spawn 1, spawn 2, or spawn 3, and the user just wanted to type in /spawn to get them to spawn 1. Rather than making them type /spawn 1 you can just make it optional, and default to 1. Here's an example of what I'm talking about

command /spawn [<number=1>]:

The [ and ] around the argument make it optional (the user doesn't have to type it in) and then we also give it a default value so that we know what to do if the user doesn't type it in. Also know that if you use an optional text argument, that the default value should be in "

command /test [<text="Example">]:

This first line of defining a command ends with a : Because of that (and because it acts as our event) all subsequent lines need to be indented. The next few lines are all about the options that our command will have. Things like a description, permission, and usage message.

command /test:
	description: Description of what the command does
	usage: The message that comes up if the user types the command in wrong
	permission: The permission required to use this command
	permission message: The message that appears if the user doesn't have the correct permission
	executable by: Who can use this command? Players, console, or both?
	aliases: Other names or shortcuts to this command

If you read the tutorial on indentation, then you will know that I mentioned that the only exception to the indent after colon rule was commands. Well here it is. Each of these options ends with a colon, but only the trigger gets an indent. The only one of these options that is required is the trigger (it holds what the command actually does) The rest aren't necessary, but can be useful in controlling aspects of the command. Now let's go one by one, and get into more detail on each of these options

- Description

What does this command do? What is it's purpose? It is mostly for in code documentation, but it's good to add anyway

- Usage

How should the command look? This message will come up when someone types a command in wrong. For example, if the command wanted a number, but the user typed in "Rabbit" this message would come up. It defaults to the arguments that you defined on the first line. It is used to make the command a little bit more readable. Instead of "/pay <player> <number>" you could put "/pay <player> <amount>"

- Permission

This allows you to define a permission for the command. By default there is no permission for these commands, so anyone can use them.

- Permission message

Here you define what the message should be if the user doesn't have the permission you set earlier. There is a default message that will show if you don't include this option

- Executable by

Who can use this command? The options are "players" "console" "console and players" Defaults to console and players

- Aliases

Make some shortcuts to your commands! You can add multiple aliases by separating them with commas "/h, /help, /helpmeout"

- Trigger

The most important part of any command, and the only option here that is required. Nothing else goes on this line, but all the next lines need to be indented again. This block of code will define what the command should do when executed. Here is a completed example:

command /help [<number=1>]:
	description: Shows the help menus
	usage: /help [page]
	permission: help.permission
	permission message: &cYou don't have the help permission!
	executable by: players and console
	aliases: /h, /helpmerightnow
		message "This is a help command!"


Now we know how to set up a command, and where to add the effects, but how do we use the arguments (the data that the player entered in) in the trigger? If there is only one type of an argument you can reference it by using "arg <type>"

arg player
arg number
arg text

Alternatively you can use the number of the argument. This is determined by what order the arguments come in the command.

command /test <number> <player> <text>:
		message "%arg 1%"
		message "%arg 2%"
		message "%arg 3%"

This command will display the arguments in order 1, 2, and then 3. The number, the player, and then the text. Next is a list of all the argument types and a bit about how they are used

  • biome - Things like SWAMPLAND or FOREST. Note that when entering this into a command the biome names will need to be in all caps +
  • block - Dirt, sand, cobblestone. Any type of block alias or ID will work here +
  • boolean - true/on/yes or false/off/no
  • colour - Any of the colors you can use in Minecraft. Can also be able to be spelled color
  • enchantment - Protection, sharpness, unbreaking Any of the enchantments in Minecraft +
  • enchantment type - Works the same as enchantment, but has a level (sharpness 3) +
  • entity - Creeper, zombie, player Anything that moves/walks around
  • game mode - Survival/creative/adventure +
  • integer - A number without a decimal such as 1, 3, or 87
  • item - Any item in the game. Could also be a block in item form (You can also use 'material' instead of 'item')
  • living entity - Same as entity but without projectiles and primed tnt. Something living
  • money - Some amount of money. Note that the name of the currency must be included when executing this command (You should probably use number instead for this)
  • number - A number with a decimal like 2.5
  • offlineplayer - A player that is possibly offline. Requires the player's exact name
  • player - A player that is online. Requires only part of the player's name to be valid (like using 'demon' instead of 'demon_penguin')
  • potion effect type - Any kind of potion effect. Strength, slowness, haste, ect. +
  • projectile - Arrow, snowball, or thrown potion +
  • text - Any kind of text. The exactness of whatever the player typed in. Could be anything
  • time - The Minecraft time. Anywhere between 00:00 to 23:59 +
  • timperiod - Same as time, but can use 'night' 'day' 'dusk' and 'dawn' +
  • timespan - Some amount of time like "3 seconds" "8 ticks" or "5 hours" Note that the unit must be typed when executing the command
  • treetype - Any type of tree or giant mushroom "giant red mushroom" "redwood tree" +
  • weather type - The type of weather "clear/sun/sunny, rain/rainy/raining, and thunder/thundering/thunderstorm" +
  • world - The name of a world

+ means that it is a valid type, but I have not tested to make sure that it works as a command argument. If anyone has tested some of these you can pm me and I'll update the list

Post in the help forum with any questions, and on the tutorials forum if you have any improvements or suggestions for this tutorial
