
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



This is my first plugin for Bukkit and the goal of this plugin is to allow players add attributes to items and mobs in minecraft 1.6.2. Beacause the Official Bukkit API to add attributes is not yet released this plugin uses CraftBukkit code to add attributes.


  • Compatable with CraftBukkit 1.6.2
  • Possibility to add all known attributes to every item
  • Possibility to spawn in items with attributes
  • Possibility give a player with a command items with attributes
  • Spawn mobs with custom attributes
  • Add attributes with a percentage value


  1. Download SimpleAttributes.jar
  2. Put SimpleAttributes.jar into your plugins folder
  3. Reload / Start your server





Using this plugin is very easy. Here are some examples how to use the commands.

Command Examples

  • /attributes add +damage:20 +knockback:1 This command adds "+20 Attack Damage" and "+1 KnockBack Resistance" attributes to your item in Hand whitch allow you to deal 20 damage with that item and have no knockback.
  • /attributes custom 276 1 +damage:8 %maxhealth:100 This commands gives you one Diamond Sword with "+8 Attack Damage" and "+100% Health" attributes whitch allow you to deal 8 damage with this Diamond Sword and if you hold it in hand you have 100% more health.
  • /attributes give Notch 276 1 %speed:50 +maxhealth:100 This commands gives player Notch a Diamond Sword with "+50% Speed" and "+100 Health" attributes whitch allow Noth if he is holding this Diamond Sword in hand run 50% faster and have twice as mutch health.
  • /attributes mob zombie 1 speed:0.5 This commands spawns a zombie with running speed as fast as a baby zombie.


  • ADD - This makes an attribute add a value.
  • PERCENTAGE - This makes an attribute add a percentage value.
  • MULTI - This makes an attribute multiplies the value with the percentage.


Some of the attributes may not work for all mobs.

  • speed - Makes a mob faster.
  • maxhealth - Increases MaxHealth of the mob.
  • followrange - Increases the follow rage of a mob. ( Example: Zombie will see a villager in a bigger radius.)
  • damage - Increases the damage that the mob will deal.
  • knockback - Increases the knockback resistance of a mob. (1 = full resistance)


Some of the attributes may not work for all mobs.

  • speed - Makes you faster with this item.
  • maxhealth - Increases your maxhealth when you are using/holding the item.
  • damage - Increases the damage that you will deal with this item.
  • knockback - Increases you knockback resistance. (1 = full resistance)
  • defence - Increases your damage resistance
  • regen - Increases health regeneration In /att custom command you need to add + or % or x to change the operation.


If you have ideas or suggestions you can contact me via my email [email protected]

Support Development

Special Thanks

Special thanks to AmShaegar

Upcoming Features

  • Add a option to edit duration of a potion.


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