Simple RP Chat

Simple RP Chat

New In V0.4.5

Added /whisper. Configured to not use /w for essentials compatibility
Changed OOC text to dark gray instead of gray
Changed OOC command to enable/disable ooc chat so /ooc or (( Isn't needed every time
Added /channel

Simple RP Chat is simply that! A simple plugin to modify your chat!

Please note: This plugin was just developed and is intended for light weight servers only. Not tested with other chat plugins!


me - Are you doing something? Well use /me to express what exactly you are doing!

Usage: /me is eating a whole bag of muffins

shout - reaches farther than your normal chat. Scream it to the world! well, small world.


ooc - Out of character. Just need to say brb or yell at someone out of your char? Use this.
(( - at the beginning of the chat will trigger ooc color

Usage: /ooc God damnit john stop taking all the cakes from the chest

mute - OP command to mute other players, this includes normal typed chat. Muted players will get "You are muted!" when attempting to chat

Usage: /mute thatOneAnnoyingDude

Unmute- Unmute players you muted before

Usage: /unmute thatOneOkayGuy

MuteAll - Mute all online players

Usage: /muteall

UnmuteAll - Unmute all online players

Usage: /unmuteall

Channel - Change current channel

Usage: /channel [ChannelName] /channel Leave - leave current channel, go back to local chat


srpc.spy - Spy on all ranged chat no matter where you are - OP Default
srpc.deny.* - deny all commands but not chat access - deny usage of me
srpc.deny.shout - deny usage of shout
srpc.deny.ooc - deny usage of ooc
srpc.mute.others - mute other players. - OP defualt
srpc.mute - mute this player.


Normal-Chat-Range-Enabled - Turn on range on the default chat
Normal-Chat-Range-Distance - Change XYZ range of chat
Me-Chat-Range-Enabled: true - Use Range?
Me-Chat-Range-Distance: 3 - XYZ distance
Shout-Chat-Range-Enabled: true - Use Range?
Shout-Chat-Range-Distance: 20 - XYZ Distance


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