Simple Grappling Hook Plugin

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Simple Grappling Hook Plugin


This project will have no further features and will be as it is.


Simple Grappling Hook plugin is a simple as its name. It allows players to grapple around the world of Minecraft. All you need is a fishing rod, that's it, then you right click where you want to grapple and then you are on you're way. Every player on the server can create a fishing rod then grapple where ever they want within a 10'000 block radius. The plugin has one command, /ghinfo , which shows information about the current version of the plugin installed. If you have any ideas for what I can add in the future versions, please leave a comment or create a ticket with the title 'Future Ideas'.


/ghinfo - > Shows information about the current version installed.

Explanation of the name

"Grappling Hook V-1.0_CB-1.7.2" Is a example name of what a plugin/.java file for the Grappling Hook plugin can be. In this section I'll explain what parts of the name mean.

  • Grappling Hook _ Name of the plugin
  • V-1.0 _ Plugin Version of Grappling Hook
  • CB-1.7.2 _ CraftBukkit version. Recommended version of CraftBukkit the server should run if you download and install.


  • Download the version of Grappling Hook that works with the version of CraftBukkit your server is running
  • Place the ''Grappling Hook V-x.x_CB-x.x'' in your plugins folder.
  • Start your server, or type /reload either in the console or log in as a admin/op and type /reload.
  • ( Report any errors you get while running the server to this page WITH console out-print. )
  • Enjoy your new plugin!


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