

Serverlogon is a plugin that works as a secondary logon system. If the player joins for the first time the plugin will ask him to register if it is forced. Otherwise he is free to register or not. If he is already registered the plugin will ask him to unlock his account. Players also can change their password, lock their account whenever they want and unlock them again. There will also spawn firework when a player joins and you can set a spawnpoint where a player has to be teleported to every time he joins.

Password will be saved Encrypted. To make sure that the player safety is guaranteed!

The plugin is 1.6.4 compatible



  • /slogon register:
    • Usage: /slogon register <password> <confirm password>
    • Description: Command that player has to use the first time he joins.
  • /slogon unlock:
    • Usage: /slogon unlock <password>
    • Description: Command that player has to use when he joins when he is registered or when he locked his account.
  • /slogon lockacc:
    • Usage: /slogon lockacc <password>
    • Description: Command that player has to use to lock his account.
  • /slogon changepassword:
    • Usage: /slogon changepassword <old password> <new password> <confirm new password>
    • Description: Command that player has to use when he wants to change his password.
  • /slogon setreminder:
    • Usage: /slogon setreminder <reminder>
    • Description: Command to set a password reminder.
  • /slogon reminder:
    • Usage: /slogon reminder
    • Description: Command to check your password reminder.
  • /slogon changereminder:
    • Usage: /slogon changereminder <new reminder>
    • Description: Command to change your password reminder.
  • /slogon SetSpawnLoc:
    • Usage: /slogon SetSpawnLoc
    • Description: Set the players location to the forced spawn location.
    • Permission: 'specials.location.set' is needed
  • /slogon ResetPassword
    • Usage: /slogon ResetPassword <name> <new password> <confirm new password>
    • Description: This resets the players password to a new one. The name is capital sensitive!
    • Permission: 'players.passwords.reset' is needed to do this.

You can also use /sl <command> instead of /slogon <command> but both work fine.


To install the plugin just place the serverlogon.jar in your plugin folder. Start the server and the plugin will automatically install everything. You will see that a folder called serverlogon will be made in your plugins folder including a config.yml file. In this file all the passwords will be saved. So if someone forgets his password you can just reset it by deleting the password behind his name or changing it to whether you want to.

ATTENTION! If you have installed version 1.1.3 you have to delete the config.yml file. Sorry for this issue but it was necessary!

Using config file

When you have installed the plugin correctly you will see that a map called serverlogon will appear in your plugin folder. The folder Serverlogon contains a file called config.yml. When you open the file you will see three main parts.


Here you will find all the default settings that are needed to make the plugin run correctly.

  • ForceRegister:

- True: Players need to register when they join for the first time.

- False: Players don't need to register when they join for the first time but they still can.


Here you can change the messages players get on a certain moment. You can change the colors of the messages by using the & symbols and numbers as explained here. All messages are necessary and have to be filled in.

  • FirstJoin: This is the message a player gets when he joins for the first time and forced register is enabled.
  • FirstJoinUnforced: This is the message a player gets when he joins for the first time and forced register is disabled.
  • LaterJoin: This is the message a player gets when he joins and he is registered.
  • NeedRegistering: This is the message a player gets when he tries to move or build when he haven't registered yet.
  • AfterRegistering: This is the message a player gets when he registers. This is automatically be set to none. If it says none the player won't get a message. Otherwise they will.
  • NeedUnlock: This is the message a player gets when he tries to move or build when he haven't unlocked yet.
  • AfterUnlock: This is the message a player gets when he unlocks. This is automatically be set to none. If it says none the player won't get a message. Otherwise they will.

In this part you will find all the special functions.


Here you can enable/disable if there will spawn firework when a player joins.

  • Enabled

- false: There will spawn no firework when a player joins (Default option)

- true: There will spawn a firework when a player joins


Here you can enable/disable if a player is forced to be teleported to a specified place when he joins.

  • Enabled

- false: The player won't be forced to be teleported to a specified place. (Default option)

- true: The player will be forced to be teleported to a specified place.

  • Location

- World: Here you set the name of the world where the player has to be teleported to. (Attention! This is capital sensitive!)

- X: This is the X - coordinate of the location where the player has to be teleported to.

- Y: This is the Y - coordinate of the location where the player has to be teleported to.

- Z: This is the Z - coordinate of the location where the player has to be teleported to.


Here will the passwords and the reminders be saved. The passwords will only be seen as encrypted passwords.


For the moment there is only two permission.

  • specials.location.set: This gives you the permission to use the /SetSpawnLoc command (only admins recommended)
  • players.passwords.reset: This gives you the permission to use the /ResetPassword command (only admins recommanded)
  • Other players don't need to have any permissions. All other functions work without permissions.


This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.


If you are having some technical problems with the server or need help to install the plugin feel free to post a comment or contact me at [email protected]


  • Making the plugin work with a proxy server plugin
  • adding possibility to change the join message
  • adding password reminders
  • (if you want more stuff added just let me know)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 30, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 17, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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