
#+           Important           +#

# If you want to use special characters in this config, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as an UTF-8 file, not as an ANSI file.
# If you receive an error when Command Collection loads, ensure that:
#   - There aren't any tabs: YAML only allows spaces
#   - Indents are correct: YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation
#   - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks
# To let something work use the command /motd reload. All configurated things will get activated
# You can use color codes in the text. Example: "&8Welcome"
# Use \n for a new row

#           Global Setup          #

# Enable or disable the motd for the player
player-motd-enable: true

# Enable or disable the global broadcast for a new player
player-broadcast-enable: true

# Enable or disable join/leave message
join-leave: false

# Enable or disable spawning firework on player join
firework-enable: true 

# The message, when a player joins the server (send only to the player)
player-motd: "&7Welcome back &8%player%"

# The message, when a new player joins the server (send globaly)
player-broadcast: "&3Welcome the new player, &b%player%"

# The message, displayed in the server menu
server-motd: "&9If you can read this, the plugin \n&9is ready for use &8Plugin by &7tomudding"

# The message, when a player joins the server
player-join: "&b%player% &3joined the game"

# The message, when a player leaves the server
player-leave: "&b%player% &3left the game"