
Seeya is an advanced SQL punishment plugin which supports the recent UUID addition.

About: Seeya is a simple yet advanced punishment plugin.

What are its features?

  • UUID Support
  • MySQL storage
  • Support for modifying punishment reasons
  • Efficient
  • Language File - Change messages to your servers language from english
  • Punishment detail - Reason, Time, When etc..
  • Web interface included
  • Much much more..

Notice: v1.0 uses the mojang api and v1.1 uses my uuid cache for obtaining uuids, this will be changed when bukkit fully adds support.

Setup and installation

Setup of this plugin is simple

  1. Download the plugin from the right
  2. Reload or restart your server to generate the settings file. It will attempt to connect using preset information - it will fail. This is normal
  3. Open and modify the settings.yml to your liking, enter your database information and a table prefix for example seeya_ will make the bans table be seeya_bans.
  4. Reload or restart your server, it will attempt to connect. If it succeeded then the tables will be generated, if not then repeat the previous step until it connects. If you are having trouble with mysql contact your host provider for support.
  5. If everything succeeded then you should be good to go. Get those pesky rule breakers!

Setup of web interface

Pre notes: Make sure you have FTP access to your website and it is running PHP 5. Your database must also allow connections from the website

  1. Setup bukkit plugin first - this will generate tables
  2. Download the web interface (included with the jar) and upload it to your website/web server wherever you want
  3. Edit the .htaccess file and change the "RewriteBase" from /bans to wherever you are installing. Also change the "ErrorDocument 404 /bans/pages/404.php" /bans to the same as the RewriteBase.
  4. Open the config.php in the assets folder and edit the PANEL_TITLE, PANEL_DIR and PANEL_STYLE to your choosing (make sure you do not include a trailing slash = / )
  5. Save and close that file then open the database.php in the same folder. Enter your database credentials: Username, password, port etc.
  6. Save and close, then navigate to where you are installing in your web browser and if all went correctly you should get a screen similar to this
  7. If not you will most likely have a mysqli error, post it below or PM me and I will try to help you.


Here is a list of permissions for the plugin:

  • seeya.* - Allows access to everything below:
  • seeya.punish.* - Access to all punishment commands (/ban /tempban /mute /unmute /kick /unban)
  • seeya.punish.tempban - Access to /tempban
  • seeya.punish.ban - Access to /ban
  • seeya.punish.kick- Access to /kick
  • seeya.punish.mute- Access to /mute
  • seeya.punish.unmute- Access to /unmute
  • seeya.punish.unban- Access to /unban
  • seeya.punish.exempt - Blocks this user from being punished
  • - Allows this user to lookup a player
  • - This user will be notified when a user is punished
  • seeya.admin.reload - Allows this user to reload the config
  • seeya.admin.modify- Access to /modify
  • seeya.admin.recache - Allows this user to recache data such as active mutes/bans

Web interface

The download is included with the jar in a zip archive. But you can find a demo here.


The source code for this plugin is available on bitbucket here


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