Second Chance

Second chance gives your friends (and enemies) a second chance before they finally go down.

Upon taking a hit that would normally mean your end, you are instead locked in place unable to move or break blocks (Incapacitated). Your health is refilled and begins ticking downwards, also you are still vulnerable to attacks. If anyone comes up and right clicks on you, you are revived to 3 hearts with a cool-down timer to prevent this from happening again.


  • Revive your fallen friends with a single right click


A handy-dandy video made by ShinyTinselWorm (Thanks BTW)


Metrics(1.6a and before)

This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

Current servers/players:

Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.


Biggest change in 2.0

In 2.0, an alternative to the cooldown system was implemented. Instead of dying while being on cooldown, you become incapacitated again, but bleedout damage increases, shortening the time you have to live. By default, your first down is forgiving, dealing a single hitpoint per decay tick (60 seconds until bleedout by default), but the second time is much harsher, taking two hitpoints each tick (30 seconds). Every down adds another point of damage, until its nigh impossible to be revived, stay healthy out there!

Config file

  OverKill: -20 #How much extra damage to make a revive impossible. Bringing someone to this amount of hitpoints or lower outright kills them
  CrawlSpeed: 0.07 #How fast can a downed person crawl (0.2 is walking speed)
  MobInvisibility: false #Do mobs ignore you when down?
    Outgoing: 0.0 #Damage dealt by a downed person is multiplied by this amount 
    Incoming: 0.5 #Damage dealt to a downed person is multiplied by this amount (only affects attacks from mobs/players)
    Enabled: true #Should revived players get an absorption effect?
    Length: 7 #For how many seconds?
    Power: 1 #And how strong? (1 equates to Absorption II)
  ThrowRevive: false #Can someone be revived by a thrown healing potion?
  KillRevive: false #Can someone be revived by getting a kill?
  SelfReviveChance: 0.05 #Chance to get back up on your own from the brink of death. 0 disables, can only occur on the last tick of bleeding.
    Flat: 6.0 #How much health to be revived with?
      Enabled: false #Should it be a percentage instead?
      Amount: 0.3 #How much of a percentage of max health should be given?
    Enabled: false #Should the old cooldown system be enforced? 
    Time: 2.0 #Once revived, you simply die if you would go down again before this amount of minutes is up
    CanceledByHeal: false #Should the cooldown be immediately completed when you heal?
  DownResetTime: 2.0 #If not using the cooldown system, how long should it take for you to recover from a single down(in minutes)
    Downed: 20.0 #How many hitpoints does a freshly downed person have?
    Decay: 3 #How long does it take for one hitpoint to bleed away
    DownIncreaseMultiplier: 1.0 #How much to add to the damage multiplier after a down
  Enabled: true #Should everyone be informed about a down?
  Range: 256 #To what distance (0 for global)
  Messages:<br />    #What to say? %p is the player that has been downed
    Downed: '%p has been incapacitated!'
    Revived: '%p has been revived!'
    SelfRevive: '%p is too stubborn to die!'
    Death: No ones revived %p.



If you have a server running this, let me know in the comments


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 14, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Oct 27, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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