

SayWhat (pronounced: "Say whaaaaaaaaat!") saves typing time. Store abbreviations for your commonly used admin messages and retrieve them with just a few keystrokes.

Some examples of SayWhat in action:

On a server with the name "A Freebuild Server" with message of the day "Have fun building":

  • "swr w Welcome to %servername. %motd!" - creates a new abbreviation, w.
  • "sw w" - Sends the message "Welcome to A Freebuild Server. Have fun building!", as if you typed it yourself.
  • "swm w SomePlayer" - Sends the welcome message as a private message to the player, "SomePlayer".
  • "swl" - Lists all stored abbreviations.
  • "swl w" - Lists the message stored against the "w" abbreviation.

It's early days and comments / suggestions / bug reports are most welcome, especially if you could take the time to create a ticket. Thanks!


  • sw [abbreviation] - Plays back a stored abbreviation.
  • swl - Lists all stored abbreviations.
  • swl [abbreviation] - Lists a stored abbreviation and its message.
  • swm [abbreviation] [Player1] [Player2] [Player n] - Sends an abbreviated message to all named players.
  • swr [abbreviation] [message sent in place of abbreviation] - Stores an abbreviation and corresponding message.
  • swdel [abbreviation] - Deletes a stored abbreviation.
  • swload - Reloads previously saved messages from config.yml. Useful if edits/deletions have gone bad.
  • swsave - Saves all messages to config.yml. Save is called automatically on plugin reload or server shutdown. You can also save edits using this command.


Put one of these variables in a SayWhat abbreviation and it'll get replaced with corresponding player or server information. All variable names begin with '%%' and they are case sensitive. More are to follow, but so far there are variables for player location, current item held, server name and motd. Be sure to let us know if you've got ideas for any more.

Player variables

  • %%inmyhand - replaced with the name of whatever item you're holding.
  • %%myloc - replaced with your current location

Server variables

  • %%motd - replaced with the server's message of the day
  • %%servername - replaced with the server's name

Permissions nodes:

  • saywhat.sw - Can playback stored abbreviations
  • saywhat.swl - Can list stored abbreviations
  • saywhat.swm - Can send abbreviations as private messages
  • saywhat.swr - Can record new abbreviations
  • saywhat.swdel - Can delete stored abbreviations
  • saywhat.swload - Can reload abbreviations from config.yml
  • saywhat.swsave - Can save abbreviations to config.yml


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