
SayAgain? Breaking the language barrier of minecraft


Throughout the time I've spent coding for various servers I've noticed a reoccurring trend of foreign population. There is no problem with this other than the fact that it is very difficult to communicate and interpret what they are requesting, and makes it rather difficult as an admin to assist them. The language barrier also throttled the server's interaction, having most players avoiding one another intentionally so as not to have to deal with translating player messages online. So to address this issue I created this plugin.

How To Use and How it Works

SayAgain? works individually upon each player. Every player with given permission has the ability to personally set their language preference, enable and disable translations, and set their form of translation. whenever a player sends a chat message while the translator is enabled, it will automatically translate the message to the desired language and display it in red above their message. The translated text is pulled from google. The commands are listed as follows:


All commands are executed from the /trans command, and branch from there.

/trans - base command
set - set your language preference with a language tag(E.g. /trans set en)
on - enables translator for you
off - disables translator for you


As of now there is currently one permission, as there is no point in breaking up the ability to turn on and off the translator/set the language.



Here are a couple of screenshots of the plugin in action.



Other functions + error handling

Language Tags

I've said this term over and over again throughout this plugin thread, and would like to explain what a language tag actually is. A language tag is an abbreviation of a specific language that SayAgain? uses to tell google what language it would like to translate back to the user. Here's a list of language abbreviations you can use:

Known bugs

As of now these are currently the bugs that I am aware of and am currently working to fix:

  • Cyrillic and non-ASCII characters will not translate properly. (Russian, Chinese, etc..)
  • Not 100% accurate translations.
  • xx-abbrevatons do not function in the translator.

Server Intensiveness issues

I have yet to test this on a larger server, but the greater the population of individuals using this plugin the higher the chance that it can cause a large portion of lag. If you run a large server and notice it causing server lag please notify me by sending me a pm and posting below.

Features to come

Here's what I have planned to come next:

  • Send a translated message
  • Force another player to start translating to a specific language (Admin command)
  • Implement Google's paid translator service to available

If you have a feature that you would like implemented please leave a comment or send me a pm and i'll look into implementing it.


Feedback means a lot to developers. Not only does it help us improve our work, but also lets us know that we have benefited someone in some manner. If you enjoy SayAgain? or have identified a flaw in it, please leave a comment or send me a pm regarding it. Thank you.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 2, 2013
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