
SafeOp V1.3 (MC 1.8.1)

SafeOp is an administrative tool used to ensure that admins will always have a way to become op. Even when hackers or other staff members rebel against the operators, operators will have a fallback command that, when run, will OP them again. SafeOp also checks to see if the admin logged into the server without OP. If they did, then it automatically ops them.


  • Allows a list of desired players to be opped (if not already) upon server entry.
  • Allows a list of desired players to be able to run a command to make them opped (even if they are no longer opped or have any permissions).
  • Has a config.yml file in which the list of desired player to be opped is located as well as several other configuration options.
  • Has a command (/opme) in which the list of desired players can op themselves even when deopped. ONLY the players who are defined in the config can use this.
  • Has a command (/safeop) to reload the plugin.
  • Displays the number of ops online upon joining to the server (only is shown to the op that joined).
  • Securely uses UUID's.


  • /opme - (Run only by the players detailed in the config file) Ops the player who ran the command no matter what permissions they have.
  • /safeop - Reloads the plugin.


  • safeop.reload - Allows access to reload the plugin.

Upcoming Features: (for V1.4)

  • None (taking suggestions!)

If anyone has any comments, suggestions, criticisms, or advice for this plugin, feel free to private message me or comment below!


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