
The full change-log:


- (add) Permdes can carry priorities now, affecting groups addition and removal as well as transient permissions.
- (add) Allow __global__ as link for permdefs to be applied when in a world, independently of regions.
- (add) Add SuperPerms replacing dummy perms (thus being independent of permissions plugins).
- (tweaks) Tweaks !

- (CHANGE) Packet naming.

- (CHANGE) Packet structure.
- (adjust) Tweaks for IPermissionUser.prepare.

- (bugfix) Check permissions with superperms where compatible (double check in Vault).
- (add) Extended output for "/rsp info".
- (add) Usage to /rsp command.

- (add) Experimental: Transient permissions support (group definitions in rsp.yml).
- (add) API: RSPReloadEvent (PluginEvent).
- (adjust) Internals changed to allow for more efficient group manipulations (most effects: PEX).

- (bugfix) Add null check for location in isWithinBounds.
- (update) config: compatlayer

- (bugfix) default confinement settings are now read correctly.

- (add) Also check VehicleExitEvent.

- (bugfix) Empty configuration was written, if none was present.

- (refactor) Reshaped configuration handling to always add defaults, put into one Settings class.
- (update) compatlayer to 0.2.0

- (add) no-parking and save-at-all flags.
- (add) Command '/rsp ping' to send permission states to the player repeatedly.
- (adjust) Set default settings to no saving at all.
- (bugfix) bPermissions: clear changed worlds list [might be obsolete anyway].
- (internals) Added default values to defualt settings (...).

- (bugfix) Add hard coded adaption for Vault+PermissionsBukkit to force some settings (Global groups, use default settings).
- (add) lower-case settings for permissions.
- (refactor) Let Permission hooks use a settings object to get specific settings.
- (refactor) Split off permdef management form core to PermDefManager (stage 1).
- (refactor) Split off HookManager from core to clean up code (stage 1).

- (add) use-worlds flag under permissions in the configuration.
- (add) Error message if adding or removing groups fails.
- (add) Log name of permissions plugin for Vault.
- (bugfix) PEX: Check permissions world specific.
- (bugfix) Label on /rsp stats has been corrected.

- (add) Vault support.
- (add) Group manipulations: add boolean for result + add warning messages for that.
- (add) load-plugins configuration option.
- (adjust) Ensure that permissions hooks are checked on reloading.

- (add) Do add color to stats output.

(0.11.10) [digest]
- (bugfix) portal use with confinement.

- (add) Stats for saving changes (!).
- (adjust) Checkout parked: save one data per 2 ticks by default.
- (internals) Add null check in PexPerms/saveChanges (no issue, but to be sure).

- (refactoring) Make some methods static and move some to utility classes.
- (internals) cleanups: remove PlayerData.has
- (adjust) DefaultSettings what to show on stats : stats are enabled but no log, no ranges

- (add) Configuration option to control if stats are logged to console: stats.log, show range of durations:
- (add) commands: /stats clear, /stats on|off
- (refactor) cleanups/fixes: move scheduleTasks to reloadSettings, scheduleTasks in setTriple, uniform prefix for messages
- (add) info: add info about permdefs, number of regions in wg, links, add consistency check for data/parked/checkedOut
- (adjust) stats: add min and max values, remove showing the sum and fraction part, add grouping(3)

- (remove) TEST: remove has and hasNot cache (comment out).

- (add) /rsp info to show sizes of stored data.

- (refactor) check: check present ids for expired and new permdefs. [currently only addEnter]
- (refactor) Use groups to add and remove, apply after all permdefs have been checked, no more permission manipulations inside of PlayerData routines.
- (refactor) check: reorder some things, remove some unnecessary checks.
- (refactor) PlayerData: clearCache for cache deletion, checkCache will not delete ids.
- (bugfix) unlinkPermdef: use parked too.

- (adjust) Check: if world has no permdefs, checkout will be done if the id cache is non empty.
- (refactor) Smaller checkConfinement, split teleport to restoreConfinement
- (bugfix) PlayerData.checkCache: return null if cache is empty.

- (bugfix) checkParked is never called: (temporary?) schedule a task that does it every 1.5 minutes.
- (refactor) RSPCore: scheduleTasks
- (add) Stats entry for checkoutAll.

- (add) More light checkout/logins: park PlayerData on logout, remember checked out players.
- (refactor) listener/stats: visibility, use stats Entry class instead of two maps.

- (NOTE) Changing filter or ignore permissions might only take effect after cache lifetime expiration, due to internal caching of some permissions (do net set too low currently, do test performance if you change this setting).
- (add) Logging of some errors on severe level now, plus using a minimum delay (configurable in ms: errors.log.min-delay).
- (bugfix) WorldGuard is now set and used, if WorldGuard did not accept a Location.
- (CHANGE) The filter permission now gets checked for removing permdefs too.
- (add) New group uses: have-outside, add-enter, remove-exit, add-exit, remove-enter
- (refactor) Changed packages for some classes, added extra

- (bugfix) Removed empty entries from plugin.yml .

- (add) Rectangular confinement support.
- (add) Add VehicleEnterEvent for checking position and border calculation.
- (add) Add VehicleMoveEvent and VehicleEnterEvent for border calculation
- (adjust) Make listener methods final.
- (refactor) checkConfinement method

- (add) world specific settings for lazy-dist and confine
- (add) confine world settings (limit moving range of players, lazy-dist applies).

- (update) compatlayer 0.1.0

- (refactor) Switch to new Event system. [removed warnings]

- (add) Hot fix for compatibility with older WorldGuard versions.

- (add) re-add save-on-check/checkout (saveChanges)

(0.7.0) [RELEASE: beta/dev]
- (add) Configuration for PermDefs and linking permdefs+regions
- (bugfix) several places: iterate over playerData.values() right-away, not online players. [ONGOING ?]
- (add) API call for finding all players that are in a certain region [does not check perms again !, maybe later: have it in memory anyway !]
- (bugfix) check cache after world check (on failure of world check this avoids inconsistencies - probably this has no relevance, anyway)

- (add) Scheduled saving of changes as well as forced saving at shutdown (!)
- (add) Permission interfaces, for PermissionsEx and bPermissions (unchecked!)
- (internals) Only do full checkout at join and on checking all players (force flag!), not in move etc. [full = removing all perms]
- (internals) Save on checkout: rather try than return early.
- (remove) Some configuration options for save-on-...

- (bugfix) Several fixes related to call-only Permdefs, remove null-init for groups in PermDef.

- (add) Interfaces for calling on enter/exit of regions for permdefs.
- (bugfix) npe: check loc and world for null
- (refactor) Use playerName as input for check, etc. where feasible.
- (refactor) Change to adding groups to sets for add-on-enter and remove-on-exit.

- (add) /rsp stats
- (Add) use stats is configurable.

- (add) Command: /rsp reload
- (add) Configuration for lazyDist, lifetimeCache, saveOnCheck+Out+all .

- (add) Location heuristic.

- (add) Stats for event handling.
- (internals) Added interface layer.

- initial version, no config, but API - On server.


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