

RespawnHelper helps you automate minigames by allowing to run multiple commands instantly at a configurable respawn point.
It can also be used to run multiple commands on many players in only one command block at a configurable location.

I have created this plugin for my own needs for a minigame server and decided to share it with anyone in need for such a plugin.
It is compatible with Spigot 1.8.


This plugin is intended to be used in parallel with your existing minigames which run with command blocks.
The purpose of RespawnHelper is to run multiple commands on players who respawn at configurable positions (with minecraft command /spawnpoint)
Thus you don't have to put player into small rooms with droppers, dispensers, command blocks, to run whatever commands you need when a player respawn in a minigame.
With RespawnHelper you can choose which commands have to be run at which respawn location.


Let's assume you already have developped a pvp minigame with command blocks, etc ...
You certainly have used the command "/spawnpoint @p x y z" to make a player respawn at a certain position.

With RespawnHelper, go at that respawn location and type :

/rh create aNameOfYourChoice

This will create a new respawn point and a new config file in /plugins/RespawnHelper/worlds/yourWorld/aNameOfYourChoice.yml like that (example coordinates):

name: aNameOfYourChoice
x: 1432.091578803372
y: 17.0
z: -582.8153181119726
cmds: []

The next thing to do is to modify by hand this config file to add the commands you want to run when a player respawn at that location.
You can prefix the commands with console to run a command from the console, otherwise the player runs it. Use %n% as a placeholder to target the player.

Example :

- console minecraft:give %n% diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[id:16,lvl:1]}
- say I'm back in game !
- console minecraft:tp %n% 100 50 20

What these commands will do is when players respawn at your respawn point, they will be given an enchanted diamond_sword, say some words and then getting tp at a new location.
The commands are executed on the players who respawn within the "respawn-checking-range" in "config.yml"
You can put as many commands as you want.

You can also add global commands. For example add another command "- global test" under "cmds:".
And in the section "global-cmds:" inside the file "/plugins/RespawnHelper/config.yml" add this :

  - say a global command
  - say a second global command

This will help you factorize your commands into small reusable units for your many respawn points


    You can force a respawn point to execute its commands onto some players inside the "respawn-checking-range" without needing the players ro respawn in that area by just executing a command block with the command :
    rh execute aNameOfYourChoice
    This allow you to run multiple commands with only one command block.

To have access to these commands you need to be op or to have the permission node "rh.commands"
Players don't need any permission to be targeted by the commands when they respawn.

  1. From a player #
    • /rh list [range] - List respawn points in your world.
    • /rh create <name> - Create a new respawn point at your position with an empty commands list.
    • /rh remove <name> - Remove an existing respawn point.
    • /rh move <name> - Move an existing respawn point to your position, keeping its registered commands.
    • /rh tp <name> - Teleports to the given respawn point.
    • /rh test <name> - Executes a respawn point's commands on yourself for testing purpose. It can be done from anywhere in the world.
    • /rh info [name] - Displays info on a respawn point, also highlights the closest respawn point with particle/sound within the info-checking-range (see config.yml).
    • /rh reload - Reload the respawn points in memory from the config files.
    • /rh help - Display this list of commands.

  2. From a command block #
    • /rh reload - Reload the respawn points in memory from the config files.
    • /rh execute <name> - Execute a respawn point's commands on the players within the respawn-checking-range of the respawn point. The command block can be anywhere in the same world.


    If you find bugs or have any suggestion, please create a ticket (tab link "TICKETS" at the the top of this page)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 22, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jan 23, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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